Toeic - Test 5

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  1. Model Test 5 ~0~ LISTENING COMPREHENSION ──────────────────────────────────────────────────── Part I: Picture ~E1~ Directions: In your test book, you will see a picture. On the compact disc, you will hear four statements. Choose the statement that most closely matches the picture and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 1. Look at the picture marked number 1 in your test book. (A) The woman is getting a loan. (B) She's using small change to pay. (C) She is using a public phone. √ (D) There's a long line at the phone. 2. Look at the picture marked number 2 in your test book. (A) The train is in the station. √ (B) The passengers are waiting for the plane. (C) The computers are in a row. (D) Most people commute buy bus. 3. Look at the picture marked number 3 in your test book.
  2. (A) The doctor examines his toes. (B) The dentist is with a patient. √ (C) The man is brushing his teeth. (D) The carpenter has a new drill. 4. Look at the picture marked number 4 in your test book. (A) The counter is under a window. (B) Money is printed at the mint. (C) The man prescribes medicine. (D) The technician does lab work. √ 5. Look at the picture marked number 5 in your test book.
  3. (A) A family is traveling together. √ (B) The child is reading a book. (C) Their meals have been served. (D) The child sits between the parents. 6. Look at the picture marked number 6 in your test book. (A) The maid is finishing the room. (B) The luggage is on the floor. (C) The clothes are folder on the bed. (D) The bed is made. √ 7. Look at the picture marked number 7 in your test book. (A) The car is in an accident. (B) A robot assembles a car. √ (C) The machinery is locked. (D) The vehicle is under inspection. 8. Look at the picture marked number 8 in your test book.
  4. (A) The painters are cleaning the columns. (B) The pedestrians are passing by the building. √ (C) The visitors are walking through the hall. (D) The vendors are selling drinks on the sidewalk. 9. Look at the picture marked number 9 in your test book. (A) The photographer takes a picture. (B) The lid covers the bin. (C) The woman photocopies a document. √ (D) The secretary is using the fax machine. 10. Look at the picture marked number 10 in your test book.
  5. (A) The chef cooks the fish. (B) The fishing boat sets off to sea. (C) The fish is packed for export. √ (D) The meat is canned for sale. 11. Look at the picture marked number 11 in your test book. (A) The conference is in session. (B) The man is at his desk. √ (C) The worker is signing papers. (D) The papers are strewn about randomly. 12. Look at the picture marked number 12 in your test book.
  6. (A) The agent is assisting the passenger. √ (B) The clerk is showing the customer a watch. (C) The man is trying on a tie. (D) The woman is writing a check. 13. Look at the picture marked number 13 in your test book. (A) Cars are packed on the sidewalk. √ (B) The buildings are over ten stories tall. (C) The pedestrians are waiting at the curb. (D) The traffic light is at the corner. 14. Look at the picture marked number 14 in your test book. (A) The woman needs news spectacles. (B) The smoker wants a match. (C) The crowd watches the game. √ (D) The players accept their trophies. 15. Look at the picture marked number 15 in your test book.
  7. (A) The technicians are punching in on a time clock. (B) The elevator button is pressed. (C) Most of the screens a blank. (D) Two technicians works in the control room. √ 16. Look at the picture marked number 16 in your test book. (A) Smoke rises in front of the mountain. √ (B) The forest is on fire. (C) The campers burn a small log. (D) The plant blooms at sunset. 17. Look at the picture marked number 17 in your test book. (A) The overhead bins are open. (B) There are several empty seats. √ (C) The middle class will be taxed. (D) The flight attendants are seated.
  8. 18. Look at the picture marked number 18 in your test book. (A) The woman is clearing the table. √ (B) She's brewing a pot of coffee. (C) She is taking her tip. (D) The clerk accepts reservations. 19. Look at the picture marked number 19 in your test book. (A) The speaker is in front of a window. (B) The man is putting on his suit. (C) The speaker points to the map. √ (D) The optometrist is lecturing on lenses. 20. Look at the picture marked number 20 in your test book.
  9. (A) The worker is wearing protective glasses. √ (B) The man is using binoculars. (C) The plant is billowing smoke. (D) Chemistry class meets today. Part II: Question-Response ~E2~ Directions: On the compact disc, you will hear a question and three possible answers. Choose the answer that most closely answers the question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 21. Where were you waiting? (A) I was waiting on the corner. √ (B) I weigh the same as you. (C) Because it was raining. 22. Which shop sells children's books? (A) The library has lots of books. (B) There's a children's bookstore in the shopping center. √ (C) I read books to my children. 23. Why don't you join us for dinner? (A) I didn't join the club until December. (B) Thank you. I'd love to. √ (C) These coins are thinner. 24. When did you finish the project? (A) Late last night. √ (B) The slide was projected on the screen. (C) The horse finished the race. 25. What are your plans for this afternoon? (A) The plane leaves at noon. (B) I think I'll play golf. √ (C) The planning meeting was yesterday. 26. Excuse me. Is this the express train? (A) Express mail is a one-day service. (B) You may leave the room. (C) No, it's across the platform. √ 27. Who delivered the package?
  10. (A) The housekeeper packed the bags. (B) A messenger brought it this morning. √ (C) She won't tell her age. 28. How will we get to the airport? (A) The plane is late. (B) They met us at the port. (C) We'll take a taxi. √ 29. Which newspapers do you read? (A) The magazine is at the newsstand. (B) I already read that book. (C) I only read the morning papers. √ 30. When will you return? (A) I'll be back after lunch. √ (B) She returned the book. (C) Take the first right turn. 31. Do you often stay at this hotel? (A) No, usually I play at my club. (B) Yes, I always stay here. √ (C) I added this telephone bill. 32. What type of movies do you like? (A) I'm moving to a quiet neighborhood. (B) I like my meat rare. (C) I prefer comedies. √ 33. Why was the flight canceled? (A) There was some mechanical problem. √ (B) The fight lasted only five minutes. (C) She can sell anything. 34. Which suitcases is yours? (A) Mine is the black one on the left. √ (B) This suit is Italian. (C) I spoke to her about this case. 35. Where are the supplies kept? (A) The floor was swept this morning. (B) In the room at the end of the hall. √ (C) We had supper after work. 36. How was your vacation? (A) The room was vacant. (B) There are flags from all nations. (C) Very relaxing, thank you. √ 37. Did you turn your computer off? (A) No, I always leave it on. √ (B) The lights are turn off at midnight. (C) This is my first computer. 38. Who attended the seminar? (A) The doctor attended to the patients. (B) All senior management went. √ (C) They came at ten. 39. What's for lunch? (A) I think it's chicken salad. √ (B) It's at noon. (C) We're having two guests.
  11. 40. How many chairs are in the room? (A) There are ten. √ (B) The room number is six-o-two. (C) About six feet high. 41. Where is the software manual? (A) This shirt I'm wearing is soft. (B) It's on the bookshelf. √ (C) He's a man you know well. 42. When did you last put gas in the car? (A) The oil refinery opened in December. (B) The elastic stretches far. (C) I filled the tank two days ago. √ 43. What caused the forest fire? (A) We fired the receptionist last week. (B) Lighting struck a tree. √ (C) Because he went away for a rest. 44. Which bus goes downtown? (A) The number 4 bus goes downtown. √ (B) Most of us live in town. (C) We must go soon. 45. Why haven't you written me? (A) The letters are on the desk. (B) You will write me soon. (C) I haven't had time to write. √ 46. Shouldn't we leave before it starts to rain? (A) The rain caused the leaves to fall. (B) Yes, let's take an umbrella with us. √ (C) It didn't rain the night we left. 47. How often do you make international calls? (A) I telephone my international clients almost every day. √ (B) I'll call information for the number. (C) We have about ten phones. 48. Who needs a ride? (A) The tide comes in at six PM. (B) I didn't bring my car today, so I do. √ (C) They tried to finish on time. 49. When would you be able to come? (A) I can come any day next week. √ (B) The table is made of wood. (C) We came as soon as we could. 50. May I sit down? (A) Yes, I went in May. (B) Please do. This seat isn't occupied. √ (C) The cushion is filled with down. Part III: Short Conversations ~E3~ Directions: On the compact disc, you will hear a short converstation. In your test book, you will see a question and four possible answers. Choose the best answer to the question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. 51. M: I bought another book, but I can't fit it into my bookcase.
  12. W: You should put some of your old magazines in the trash. M: You're right. Or maybe I should sell them. What is the woman's solution to the problem? (A) Move into a larger place. (B) Throw away old magazines. √ (C) Buy another bookcase. (D) Sell the books. 52. M: I'd like to order eggs, toast, and coffee, W: Certainly, sir. Cream and sugar? M: No, thank you. I'll drink it black. What does the man mean? (A) He wants his eggs fried. (B) He had a bad dream. (C) He wants coffee the most. (D) He doesn't put anything in his coffee. √ 53. W: My car makes a loud noise when I slow down. M: The brakes may be bad. I'll have our mechanic take a look. W: Thank you. It sounds like a dangerous problem. What seems to be the problem? (A) A headlight is out. (B) The mechanic is unavailable. (C) The brakes are bad. √ (D) The engine is broken. 54. M: I hate waiting for the subway. It's a waste of time. W: I always look at the newspaper while I wait for the train. M: That's a good idea. What does the woman do while she waits for the train? (A) Reads the paper. √ (B) Files her nails. (C) Stays out of the rain. (D) Thinks and rests. 55. M: Front desk. W: I'm in room six-two-four. I'm afraid the television set doesn't work. M: We'll send someone up right away. What will the desk clerk do? (A) Bring a new TV. (B) Get someone to fix the TV. √ (C) Take the TV away. (D) Put the TV in the right room. 56. W: Can you order some sandwiches for the meeting? M: I thought the meeting was at eleven, not at noon. W: It is, but we'll need to work through lunch. Why do they need sandwiches? (A) The meeting will continue past lunchtime. √ (B) The meeting is scheduled at noon. (C) They'll need to work hard at the meeting. (D) They'll need snacks. 57. M: There seems to be a mistake in my hotel bill. W: What is the problem? M: I was charged two hundred dollars for three nights, but I only stayed for one. How many nights did the man stay? (A) One. √
  13. (B) Two. (C) Three. (D) Four. 58. W: It's hot and stuffy in here. M: I'll open the window. W: That will help some. But we need air-conditioning. How does the woman suggest cooling the room? (A) Close the window. (B) Pull the drapes. (C) Turn off the heater. (D) Get an air-conditioner. √ 59. M: This coffeepot is really dirty. W: There's a small kitchen on the sixth floor. M: Oh, good. I can wash it there. What does the man want to do? (A) Clean the coffeepot. √ (B) Change his shirt. (C) Watch the kitchen. (D) Sweep the floor. 60. M: I'm glad to be off that plane. Shall we catch a cab? W: First I have to get my suitcase at the baggage claim. M: That means we'll be stuck here for a while. Why is the man annoyed? (A) They can't get a taxi. (B) They can't find his bags. (C) They have to wait for her luggage. √ (D) They're stuck in the city. 61. M: I can't get this tax to go through. W: Make sure you are dialing the fax number, not the phone number. M: Maybe that's the problem. I'll check the number. What does the man need? (A) The phone number. (B) The fax number. √ (C) A check. (D) A dial. 62. M: It's a beautiful day. Let's have lunch at the sidewalk cafe. W: I brought a sandwich from home. I'm going to eat it in the park. M: I'll buy a sandwich and meet you there. Where are they going to eat lunch? (A) On the sidewalk. (B) In the park. √ (C) At a cafe. (D) At home. 63. M: Do you have the number for the sales manager in your phone log? W: No, I don't. Look it up in the company directory. M: He's moved to a new office. The directory has the old number. What does the man need? (A) The dictionary. (B) The directory. (C) The phone log. (D) The new number. √
  14. 64. M: Can you take a picture of that monument? W: Oh, no! I must have left my camera at the hotel. M: We can still use mine, even though it's not as good as yours. What's the matter with the woman's camera? (A) It's not very good. (B) It's at the hotel. √ (C) It was stolen. (D) It can be used in a moment. 65. M: What do you do in your spare time? W: I like to cook and play golf. M: I'm no good at golf, but I do like to eat! What topic might the man and woman have in common? (A) Food. √ (B) Golf. (C) Freetime. (D) Books. 66. M: Don't throw the white paper away. Put it in this box and recycle it. W: What should I do with this green paper? M: That goes in a separate box here. What should the woman do with the paper? (A) Throw it away. (B) Circulate it. (C) Separate it according to color. √ (D) Label the boxes. 67. M: Here is your book. The loan period is two weeks. W: What if I don't bring it back on time? M: The fine is twenty-five cents for each day the book is overdue. Where did this conversation take place? (A) In a library. √ (B) In a bookstore. (C) In a bank. (D) In a post office. 68. W: I'd like to buy a newspaper. Is there a newsstand nearby? M: No, there isn't. Please take my paper. I'm through reading it. W: No, thank you. I prefer a different paper. Why didn't the woman take the man's paper? (A) He hadn't read it. (B) She doesn't want a paper. (C) She wanted to buy her own copy. (D) She wanted a different one. √ 69. M: Does the waitress take the check? W: No, we pay at the register. M: I'll leave her a tip at the table, though. How does the man pay for the meal? (A) Leaves the money on the table. (B) Takes the money to the cash register. √ (C) Gives the money to the waitress. (D) Writes a check for the tip. 70. W: What a beautiful view! M: Yes, I'm lucky to have this office overlooking the park. W: My office faces the parking lot!
  15. What does the woman have? (A) A view of the park. (B) A view of the parking lot. √ (C) A beautiful desk. (D) An overlooked office. 71. M: The monthly statement details the activity in your checking account. W: What about my savings account? M: We can send you a combined statement about both accounts. What kind of statement might the man prefer? (A) Combined statement. √ (B) Savings account statement. (C) Checking account statement. (D) Activity statement. 72. M: I reserved a room with a king-sized bed. This room has two double beds. W: I'm sorry sir. We'll move you to another room immediately. M: Thank you. I would appreciate it. What was wrong with the man's room? (A) It was too big. (B) It was too dirty. (C) It had the wrong bed. √ (D) It wasn't reserved. 73. M: This copy came out in black and white. It should be in color. W: This printer is black and white only. The color printer is on the fourth floor. M: Then I'll try printing it there. Where did this conversation probably take place? (A) At a store. (B) In a film store. (C) At home. (D) In an office. √ 74. M: I must remember to reserve a rental car. W: Oh, I thought you were flying to the conference. M: I am, but I'll need a car while I'm there. What must the man remember to do? (A) Get a rental car. √ (B) Get tickets for the flight. (C) Drive to the conference. (D) Reserve a place at the conference. 75. M: The waiters need extra help setting up for the banquet. W: Ask the housekeeper if her staff can help. M: I don't think so. They are still busy cleaning the rooms. Why do they need extra help? (A) To clean the rooms. (B) To get ready for the banquet. √ (C) To talk to the housekeeper staff. (D) To wait on tables. 76. W: The secretarial job requires word-processing skills. M: I know the two most popular word-processing packages. W: Good. Then the next thing we'll do is test your typing speed. What is the woman doing? (A) Introducing herself. (B) Interviewing a job applicant. √ (C) Testing a student.
  16. (D) Mailing a package. 77. M: The training film is missing. W: Oh, no. The training session starts in half an hour. M: Let's call human resources. They'll have a second copy. Why are the man and woman upset? (A) They can't catch their train. (B) They can't make copies. (C) They can't start on time. (D) They can't find the film. √ 78. M: My feet hurt after all the walking we did today. W: Why don't you soak them in some hot water? M: I will, as soon as I take my shoes off. Why do the man's feet hurt? (A) It's hot weather. (B) His shoes hurt his feet. (C) He's walked a lot. √ (D) He didn't wear socks. 79. M: I have tickets for the five o'clock flight. W: Then you'll arrive here at seven. That's a little late. M: Yes, but if the meeting ends by two maybe I can catch the four o'clock flight. What does the man want to do? (A) Buy tickets. (B) Take the 5:00 flight. (C) Get an earlier flight. √ (D) Leave the meeting early. 80. W: Meet me at the bus at eight tomorrow for a drive through the river valley. M: Do we need to bring anything with us? W: No, but dress warmly. It will be cold on the river. What is the woman's job? (A) Tour guide. √ (B) Desk clerk. (C) Housekeeper. (D) Waitress. Part IV: Short Talks ~E4~ Directions: On the compact disc, you will hear a short talk. In your test book, you will see several questions on the talk and four possible answers. Choose the best answer to the question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet. Questions 81 and 82 refer to the following recording. - Hello. You have reached the Financial Information Service. All of our lines are busy right now. Please stay on the line, and your call will be answered in turn by one of our qualified financial advisors. Now read question 81/82 in your test book and answer it. 81. Where would you hear this message? (A) On the telephone. √ (B) At a reception desk. (C) In an elevator. (D) On the radio. 82. What should you do if you want to talk to an advisor? (A) Call during business hours.
  17. (B) Visit their office in person. (C) Press "1". (D) Stay on the line. √ Questions 83 and 84 refer to the following announcement. - This station is Downtown Central, transfer point for the East-West subway line. Take the elevator or the stairs to the transfer platform on the lower level. Now read question 83/84 in your test book and answer it. 83. What kind of subway station is Downtown Central? (A) A suburban station. (B) A transfer station. √ (C) A through station. (D) A rural station. 84. Where do passengers catch the East-West line? (A) On the lower level platform. √ (B) On the upper level platform. (C) On the same platform. (D) On the outside platform. Questions 85 and 86 refer to the following weather report. - We are expecting partly sunny weather for the area with a high of seventy-two degrees. The wind will be getting stronger this afternoon, with gusts of up to twenty-five miles per hour, calming down again by early evening. Now read question 85/86 in your test book and answer it. 85. What will the weather be like today? (A) Stormy. (B) Partly sunny. √ (C) Rainy. (D) Cold. 86. What will increase during the afternoon? (A) Stormy. (B) Rain. (C) Wind. √ (D) Snow. Questions 87 and 88 refer to the following advertisement. - Our catalogue now offers even faster service. For an additional nine-dollar handling charge we guarantee delivery anywhere in the continental United States within two business days. The same two-day service is offered to our customers in Alaska and Hawaii for nineteen dollars. Now read question 87/88 in your test book and answer it. 87. What new service is being offered? (A) Payment of handling charges. (B) Two-day delivery. √ (C) Quality service. (D) Telephone orders. 88. What is different about the service for customers in Alaska? (A) They have to pay more. √ (B) They get delivery in three days. (C) The service isn't offered there. (D) They must ship with another company.
  18. Questions 89 and 90 refer to the following announcement. - For the latest information on upcoming events in and around the city, call the City Events Hotline. We can provide you with the times and places of special events, as well as the most convenient public transportation routes to get you there. Now read question 89/90 in your test book and answer it. 89. What is the purpose of this hotline? (A) To tell about special events. √ (B) To give sports news. (C) To give weather updates. (D) To suggest restaurants. 90. What additional information does the hotline provide? (A) Information about new city ordinances. (B) Public transportation information. √ (C) Breaking news. (D) Movie reviews. Questions 91 and 92 refer to the following instructions. - It's very easy to greet a visitor at the reception desk. First, say hello. Then, ask his name, and the name of the person he is here to see. Have him sign the guest book and take a seat in the lobby. Then, call the person he is visiting. Now read question 91/92 in your test book and answer it. 91. What is the first thing the receptionist should do for a visitor? (A) Say hello. √ (B) Ask his name. (C) Have him sign the book. (D) Call the person he is visiting. 92. Where shoud the visitor wait while you are calling? (A) By the desk. (B) Outside. (C) In the office. (D) In the lobby. √ Questions 93 and 94 refer to the following recording. - Please note the following change in local bus service. Buses on Route 21A will continue to start their route at the current time, but will arrive at the final stop four minutes later. There will be no change in the number of scheduled trips. June fifth is the effective date for this service change. Now read question 93/94 in your test book and answer it. 93. What change is planned for buses on this route? (A) They will leave four minutes sooner. (B) They will arrive four minutes later. √ (C) They will make fewer trips. (D) They will make more trips. 94. When will this change take place? (A) Immediately. (B) Currently. (C) On June 5. √ (D) On June 21. Questions 95 through 97 refer to the following advertisement. - Greenway Conference Center can take the problems out of planning your next conference. We can
  19. accommodate groups from ten to two hundred. Our meeting rooms can be set up with your choise of state- of-the-art audio-visual equipment. A cafeteria and catering services on-site provide meals and snacks at your request. Our comfortable guest rooms overlook beautiful countryside. Both indoor and outdoor recreation facilities are available. Now read question 95/96/97 in your test book and answer it. 95. What is the largest group that the conference center can handle? (A) Ten. (B) Twenty. (C) One hundred. (D) Two hundred. √ 96. Where do participants stay while attending the conference? (A) At a nearby hotel. (B) At their own house. (C) In the center's guest rooms. √ (D) In town. 97. Where is the conference center probably located? (A) In the country. √ (B) In the city. (C) In the suburbs. (D) In a park. Questions 98 through 100 refer to the following announcement. - We interrupt this program for a special news bulletin. Due to the violent thunderstorm, neighborhoods throughout the city have lost electrical power. Service crews are already working to restore power in some of these areas, and additional crews are on their way to other sites. Residents are asked to turn off all electrical appliances to prevent potential hazards until power has been restored. Now read question 98/99/100 in your test book and answer it. 98. What problem is occurring? (A) There is a power failure. √ (B) There is a water problem. (C) There is a gas shortage. (D) There is flooding. 99. What has caused the problem? (A) An accident. (B) A snowstorm. (C) A thunderstorm. √ (D) A fire. 100. What are residents asked to do? (A) Stay indoors. (B) Light candles. (C) Call for help. (D) Turn off the electrical appliances. √ ~E~