Toeic 870 questions

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  1. Toeic 870 questions
  2. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 1. The ode was original a ceremonial poem written to celebrate public occasions or exalted subjects. A B C D 2. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is traveling through the water is important if the navigator A B C need to estimate the time of arrival. D 3. The earth is the only planet with a large number of oxygen in its atmosphere. A B C D 4. Robert Frost was not well known as a poet until he reached the forties. A B C D cf) The amounts of oxygen and nitrogen in the air almost always remain stable, but the amount of water A B C vapor vary considerably. D 5. Multicolored woodcuts must be printed with as many blocks as ___ colors in the composition. (A) there are (B) many (C) some of (D) it is 6. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant wood has called America's "Painter of A B C D the Soil." 7. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects, during the Renaissance the painting of A B C "still life" developed as an accepted art form. D 8. The American frontiersman, politician, and soldier Davy crockett is one of the most popular of A B C American hero. D 9. Three months after they have been laid, crocodile eggs are ready hatched. A B C D 10. Peas require rich soil, constant moistures, and a cool growing season to develop well. A B C D 11. A dolphin locates underwater objects in its path by doing a series of clicking and whistling sounds. A B C D 12. The greater an objects's mass, the more difficult it is ___ . (A) (A) to speed it up or slow it down (B) it speeds up or slows down (C) than speeding it up or slowing it down (D) than speeding up or slowing down 13. A desert area that has been without water for six years will still bloom when rain will come. A B C D 14. One of the essential features of the modern skyscraper is being the elevator. A B C D 15. A rabbit moves about by hopping on its hind legs, which are much longer and more strong than its A B C D front legs. 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.D 16. The snowy egret is about the size of large crow. A B C D 17. The grape is the ___ , juicy fruit of a woody vine. (A) skin (B) which is smooth (C) smooth skin (D) smooth-skinned 18. In the second half of the nineteenth century, textiles from the southwestern United state, particularly fabrics woven by the Navajo people, ___ . (A) began to be used as rugs
  3. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (B) rugs began to be used (C) as rugs began to be used (D) began to used them as rugs 19. During adolescence many young people begin to question held by their families. (A) the values (B) of the values (C) the values are (D) are the values 20. During the Middle Ages, handwriting notices kept groups of nobles informed of important events. A B C D 21. In her writing, Elimor Wylie often dealt with her own personality as it was, rather than ___ . (A) as was defines by others (B) its definitions by others (C) other's definition (D) as others defined it 22. Congress chartered the first Bank of the United States in 1791 to engage in general commercial banking and ___ as a fiscal agent of the federal government. (A) to act (B) acting (C) that has acted (D) having acted 23. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of ___ reality. (A) what is conceived (B) what it is conceived (C) what is conceived to be (D) what is being conceived 16.(D) 17.(D) 18.(A) 19.(A) 20.(B) 21.(D) 22.(A) 23.(C) 24. Tenant farmers are those they either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the farm for the A B C owner and receive payment. D 25. Slightly over half of the population of El Paso, Texas, says both English and spanish. A B C D 26. Hickories are medium to large trees common in eastern and the central areas of North America. A B C D 27. Approximately one-third of all persons involved in adult education programs in 1970 were enrolled in A B C occupational education course. D 28. Natural adhesives are primarily of animals or vegetable origin. A B C D 29. As a glacier melts, rocks, boulders, trees, and tons of dirt deposit. A B C D 30. The Suwannee River has been never important for transport and no significant hydropower potential. A B C D 31. American manufacturers depend on ocean shipping for most of trade with other countries. A B C D 32. The root of the chicory plant is often ground up and added to coffee to elimination its bitterness. A B C D 33. Some nematodes are very tiny that it Is necessary to view them through a microscope. A B C D 34. It is estimated that a scientific principle has a life expectancy of approximately a decade before it A B C drastically revised or replaced by newer information. D
  4. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 35. The more arid the continent, the less the amount of annual precipitation ___ . (A) runs off that (B) runs it off (C) that runs it off (D) that runs off 24.A 25.D 26.C 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.A 31.C 32.D 33.B 34.D 35.D 36. He really deserved the award because he performed ___ was expected of him. (A) much better from (B) more better than (C) much better as (D) much better than 37. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wanted to congratulate him. A B C D 38. As we have finished the first lesson, now we will read the second one. A B C D 39. To take pride in what deserves boasting is one thing, and to take good care of it is quite ___ . (A) others (B) thing (C) another (D) the other 40. The doctor's records must be kept thorough and neatly, so as to insure good book-keeping. A B C D 41. Why is a man in civil life perpetually slandering and backbiting his fellow men, and is unable to see A B C good even in his friends? D 42. "Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?" "Oh, yes. It's ___ that it will." (A) almost surely (B) very likely (C) near positive (D) quite certainly 43. Like a synonym of speech, which is the general term, address implies some degree of formality. A B C D 44. Rabbits and hares look much like and are often mistaken for each other. A B C D 45. As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollars, in terms of A B C D the gold standard. 46. The prime minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in increasing A B C pressure that she resigns. D 47. When the boulders are made of rock that is different from the bedrock which they or the soil of the A B C field rests, they are called erratics. D 48. It would be difficult for a man of his political affiliation, ___, to become a senator from the south. (A) though charming and capable is he (B) even with charm and so capable (C) charming and having capability (D) however charming and capable 36.D 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.A 44.B 45.A 46.D 47.B 48.D 49. Penicillin is perhaps the drug ___ more lives than any other in the history of medicine. (A) what has saved
  5. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (B) which saved (C) which has saved (D) who saves 50. After his trips to the west between 1860 and 1872, Ralph Alber Bakelock would often painted A B C American Indian encampments on brown-and-yellow-toned canvases. D 51. The city of Boston was settled in 1630 on a hilly, wooded peninsula where the charles River flows A B C into a natural harbors. D 52. Artist Helen Frankenthaler returned home from college on 1949 to her native New York, the city A B producing the most art revolutionary of the day. C D 53. Contralto Marian Anderson became a member permanent of the Metropolitan Opera Company in 1995. A B C D 54. The fact that half of the known species is thought to inhabit the world's rain forests does not seem A B surprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species. C D 55. A politician can make a legislative proposal more ___ by giving specific examples of what its effect will be. (A) to understand (B) understandably (C) understandable (D) when understood 56. Before every presidential election in the United States, the statisticians try to guess the proportion of the population that ___ for each candidate. (A) are voted (B) voting (C) to be voted (D) will vote 57. The decimal numeral system is one of the ___ ways of expressing numbers. (A) useful most world's (B) world's most useful (C) useful world's most (D) most world's useful 58. Nebraska has floods in some years, ___ . (A) in others droughts (B) droughts are others (C) while other droughts (D) others in drought 59. Many of the recording instruments used in vary branches of science are kymographs. A B C D 60. In the United States among 60 percent of the space on the pages of newspapers is reserved for A B C advertising. D 49.C 50.C 51.D 52.C 53.B 54.A 55.C 56.D 57.B 58.A 59.B 60.A 61. The spontaneity of children's artwork sets it apart from the regulated uniforming of much of what A B C otherwise go on in traditional extraordinary classrooms. D 62. Fossils of plant that have been extinct for fifty million years have been found in large deposits of A B C amber near the Baltic Sea.
  6. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology D 63. The luxuriant hardwood timberland of the southern Appalachian Mountains is classed as a temperate A B C rain forests. D 64. Bone and ivory needles found at archaeological sites indicate that clothes have been sewn for some A B C 17,000 years ago. D 65. The sun seems to have been formed when the universe was already 10 billion years. A B C D 66. The satellites are frequently eclipsed by Jupiter and may be seen to transit Jupiter as dark shadows A B C or passing behind the planet. D 67. Though Artist Tatun was totally blind in one eye and had only slight vision in another, he became an A B C D internationally renowned jazz musician. 68. Not since Gerald Reed has a chief executive served two full terms or leave Washington with cheers A B C ringing in his ears. D 69. Even the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the south is as good as any other A B C D region in the country. 70. In her writing, Elinor Wylie, often dealt with her own responsibility as it was, rater than ___ . (A) as others defined it (B) other's definitions (C) its definition by others (D) it was defined by others 71. Some scientists predict that, despite greater material output, the people in the year 2,000 will be A B C poorer in many ways than it is today. D 72. Venus approaches the Earth more closely than any other planet is. A B C D 61.D 62.A 63.D 64.D 65.D 66.D 67.C 68.C 69.D 70.A 71.D 72.D 73. ___ left before the deadline, it doesn't seem likely that John will accomplish the job. (A) Although such a short time (B) It is such a short (C) With so short time (D) With such a short time 74. With the start for the penny papers in the 1830's, the number of people ___ a newspaper rose considerably. (A) regularly reading (B) were reading regularly (C) regularly reading what (D) who reading regularly 75. Tempera, a type of paint, is prepared from a mixture of water, egg yolk, and one but more tinted A B C D powders. 76. Over forty years ago, Helen Hall's outstanding contributions as a settlement organizer catch the A B attention of president Franklin Roosevelt, who appointed her to his advisory committee on economic C D security.
  7. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 77. Part of the sunlight that strikes the Earth is reflected into the sky, and a rest is absorbed by the A B C ground. D 78. At present production levels, ___ deposits of bauxite can provide the world with aluminum for hundreds of years. (A) known (B) known are (C) they are known (D) what is known 79. It seemed as if I hadn't scarcely done anything worthwhile with my time, for I failed three courses. A B C D 80. The office manager insists that his staff use all of its vacation time, but he hardly never takes a A B C D vacation himself. 81. Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people A B C and even for pets. D 82. Moonquakes originating at deep of some 800 kilometers indicate the Moon has considerable rigidity A B C D and is not molten at such levels. 73.D 74.A 75.C 76.B 77.C 78.A 79.A 80.C 81.A 82.B 83. Biologists and anthropologists possesses a wealth of evidence to indicate that human beings arose A B from lower forms of life over a time long period. C D 84. Ladybugs are desirous in the garden because most kinds eat aphids and other harmful insects. A B C D 85. It has been estimated that only 21 percent of the world's land surface are cultivatable and that only A B C D 7.6 percent is actually under cultivation. 86. To become a skilled photograph, a person should have both manual dexterity and a good eye for detail. A B C D 87. For centuries, music have played acoustical guitars, which produce sound from the vibration of the A B C D strings. 88. Langston Hughes always seemed to know exactly who he was, and those knowledges helped make A B him one of the most respected writers in the United States. C D 89. Banking is ancient origin, though little 3 known about its history prior to the thirteenth century. A B C D 90. Au bones have an exterior layer, termed the cortex, that is smooth, dense, continuous, and ___ . (A) of varying thickness (B) varied thickness (C) its thickness varies (D) its thickness varying 91. The holograph was an instrument employed to send signals by reflecting sunlight a mirror or A B C D mirrors. 92. In retrospect, sadness, rather anger, seems to be the overriding emotion in Langston Hughes's poetry. A B C D 93. Obsidian, an uncommon volcanic rock, polishes good and makes an attractive semiprecious stone. A B C D
  8. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 94. Business cycles have been placed the scrutiny of statisticians so that recurring patterns not apparent A B C at first sight might be disclosed. D 83.D 84.A 85.C 86.B 87.A 88.B 89.A 90.A 91.D 92.A 93.C 94.A 95. For a long time cotton ranked first between Alabama's crops, but today it accounts for only a A B C fraction of the agricultural production. D 96. The earliest steam-driven vehicles produced great amount of noise. A B C D 97. The double bull's eye in center of a dart board is worth fifty points. A B C D 98. Seaweed nurtures numerous communities of living things, which are protected under the wet A B C coverings of the weeds while the tide out. D 99. The wankle engine, sometimes referred as a rotary engine, delivers more power for its size than a A B C D conventional piston engine. 100. Farm animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as a valuable economic resource. A B C D 101. Bauxite ores differ considerably physical appearance, according to their impurities and structural A B C D compositions. 102. Helen Vendler's essays present key insight into and vital analyses the works of major british and A B C D American authors. 103. The waterwheel is a mechanism designed to harness energy from a source instead than animals. A B C D 104. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the A B C world. D 105. Mosquitos usually lay eggs on top stagnant water. A B C D 106. Languon Hughes's The Book of Negro Looksore is a too much valuable introduction to an integral A B part of folk literature of the United States. C D 95.B 96.D 97.C 98.D 99.B 100.A 101.A 102.C 103.D 104.C 105.D 106.A 107. Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus rotate A B C in the opposite direction. D 108. The Millicent Rogers Museum houses five thousand pieces of Hispanic and American Indian jewelry, A textiles, and other objects document the vibrancy of these cultures. B C D 109. From 1866 to 1833, the bison population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million A B C to a few hundreds. D 110. The Obie Awards have been given annually for 1956 to outstanding artists in off-Broadway theater. A B C D
  9. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 111. Along the East Coast, American Indian women's councils could veto a declaration of war at refusal A B C D to supply moccasins and field rations. 112. Carrie Chapman Catt organized the League of women voters after successfully campaign for the A B C constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote. D 113. Any group that conducting its meetings using parliamentary rules will encounter situations where A B C prescribed procedures cannot be applied. D 114. Coinciding with the development of jazz in New Orleans in the 1920's ___ in blues music. (A) was one of the greatest periods (B) one of the greatest periods (C) was of the greatest periods (D) the greatest periods 115. Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation, country music has certain common features ___ its own special character. (A) give it that (B) that give it (C) give that (D) that gives it to 116. ___ around stones that are sunwarmed, even the smallest of stones creates tiny currents of warm air. (A) The cool air (B) If the air is cool (C) That the air cools (D) The cooler the air 117. Even as he wrote copiously on such diverse topic as education, politics, and religion, Lewis Mumford A B remained active in city and regional planning. C D 107.A 108.C 109.D 110.B 111.D 112.C 113.B 114.A 115.B 116.B 117.B 118. For centuries the aromatic spices of the Far East has been in demand by the people of the East and A B C D West. 119. Nine state attorney generals have been meeting lately, apparently to prepare a tobacco-company-style A B C D humdinger court case against softies. 120. When seeing near the horizon, the moon appears strikingly larger than when viewed overhead. A B C D 121. The firemen were unable to determine exactly what caused the fire, when they said that they would A B C D continue the investigation. 122. Because of its strong record during earlier recessions, the mutual fund has and will continue to be A B C attractive to small investors. D 123. Both china, Russia, and the united states are aware of the role they play in world affairs. A B C D 124. Neither Russia nor the United States have been able to discover a mutually satisfactory plan for A B C D gradual disarmament. 125. "Whenever I have to write a paper, I don't know where to begin." "I have the same problem, but ___ the paper seems to write itself." (A) starting
  10. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (B) having started (C) once I start (D) after to start 126. An echo is a sound heard subsequently it is reflected from an object. A B C D 127. While the two reappeared after being absent for over a month, everyone in the expedition was A B C surprised to find them so little changed. D 128. We had been in the city not more than two days until we found that we needed a guide. A B C D 129. A measuring worm can hold itself straight out from a branch so that looks like a small twig. A B C D 118.C 119.A 120.A 121.C 122.C 123.A 124.B 125.C 126.B 127.A 128.C 129.D 130. Scholars of historical change feel that the velocity of history has been fastly accelerated by the A B C onward rush of science and technology during the twentieth century. D 131. A narcotic is a substance that is having a strong depressant effect on the human nervous system. A B C D 132. After searching for evidence in the house, the police concluded that the thief must have come in A B C through the window and stole the silver while the family was sleep. D 133. To become a member of the civic association, one need only attend three meetings and to pay his A B C fees regularly. D 134. When our neighbor's grandson caught his finger in the car door, he did not cry even though it must A B have hurted him a great deal. C D 135. All alligator is an animal somewhat like a crocodile, but with a broad, flatten snout. A B C D 136. Like other animals, the tiny kangaroo rat has the ability to manufacture water in his body by A B metabolic conversion of carbohydrates. C D 137. Not until ten years ago was there much need for personal computer. A B C D 138. Sea turtles can spend their lifetime in sea without ever touching land. A B C D 139. A kangaroo moves around by leaping on its rear legs, which is much bigger and stronger than its A B C D front legs. 140. In order to prevent disease on a worldwide base, nations must work together. A B C D 141. The Petrified Forest National Park of Arizona is one of the most unique parks in the United States. A B C D 142. Found in all parts of the state, pines are the most ordinary trees in Georgia. A B C D 143. Predators and parasites share a fundamental characteristic: they both survive a the price of others. A B C D 130.C 131.A 132.D 133.B 134.C 135.D 136.C 137.D 138.A 139.C 140.C 141.C 142.D 143.C
  11. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 144. This Information ___ to a great many people. (A) was proved to be useful (B) has proved it useful (C) has been proved to be useful (D) has proved useful 145. Psychiatrists are ridiculed for ___ , but new research on genes and the brain suggests they might be right. (A) a mental illness calling every quirk (B) a calling for mental illness ever quirk (C) calling mental illness an every 146. In the 1940's and 1950's, biochemists strived to learn what each of the vitamins was essential for health. 147. Biochemists discovered that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as A B C D coenzymes to perform the chemistry that provides cells energy for growth and function. E F 148. These gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone A genes and introduce it into bacterial cells and plants to create factories for the massive production of B C hormones and vaccines for medicine and for better crops for agriculture. D 149. The railway network expanded rapidly until the railroad map of the United States looked like a A B spider's web, with the steel filaments connect all important sources of raw materials, their places of C manufacture, and their centers of contribution. D 150. The railroad contributed to the industrial growth not only by connecting these major centers, but also by themselves consume enormous amounts of fuel, iron, and coal. A B C D 151. The increased urban population was nourished by the increased farm production that, in turn, was A B made more productive by the use of the new farm machine. C D 152. Europe now began to send tides of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe - most of them A B were originally poor farmers but who settled in American industrial cities. C D 144.D 145.D 146.C 147.F 148.B 149.C 150.B 151.D 152.B 153. Often when the weather is extremely hot, people have very thirsty but are not terribly hungry. A B C D 154. Pioneers on the plains sometimes living in dugouts, sod rooms cut into hillsides. A B C D 155. In 1786 Benjamin Franklin first suggested daylight savings time as a means of cutting down on the A B C consumes of candles D 156. An extremely dangerous forms of cocaine, crack attacks the nervous system, brain, and body in a A B C sharper fashion than cocaine. D 157. On February 20, 1962, Friendship T has orbited the Earth in a manned flight that last just under five A B C D hours. 158. While his racking days, racehorse John Henry earned a record $6.5 million, $2.3 million more than
  12. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B his closest competitor. C D 159. Cartilage covers the ends of bones helps to protect the joints from wear and tear. A B C D 160. The Alaskan malamute, used extensively to pull sleds, is closely reacted to the wolves. A B C D 161. Many of the characters portrayed by writer Joyce Carol Oats is mentally ill. A B C D 162. The new system responds at seconds to any emergency. A B C D 163. The GATT is an international agreement designing to increase trade among member nations. A B C D 164. The closer to one of the Earth's poles, the greater ___ gravitational force. (A) is (B) the (C) has (D) it has 165. The flamingo uses its bill ___ feeding to filter mud and water from the tiny plants and animals that it finds in shallow ponds. (A) when (B) is (C) that it is (D) was 166. The amount of lapsed time between the thunder and lightening can be used to determine ___ . (A) how the thunder and lightening are far away (B) how far away the thunder and lightening are (C) how far away are the thunder and lightening (D) the thunder and lightening are how far away 167. The United States celebrate the birth of its independence every Fourth of July. A B C D 168. Laminated safety glass is produced with combining alternate layers of flat glass and plastic. A B C D 169. In one type of laminating, alternate layers of wood are placed with their grains running at night A B C angles to each others. D 170. In general, prawns live shallow coastal waters or in streams. A B C D 171. The zenith provides a means for making various calculates in astronomy. A B C D 172. The application of electronic controls made ___ by the microprocessor and computer storage have multiplied the uses of the modern typewriter. (A) it possible (B) possible (C) it is possible (D) possibility 173. After the great blizzard of 1988 in the northeastern United States, it took some ___ the snow away from their homes. (A) days to shovel people several (B) people several days to shovel (C) several days people to shovel (D) people to shovel several days 174. A merger is a combination of two or more businesses down below a single management. A B C D 175. Bats rely on their hearings to navigate and to find food at night. A B C D
  13. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 176. Our urge to classify different life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race. A B C D 177. Many of the trees native to the state of maine yield useful woods, a number of which are of tall A B C D market value. 178. Sugar cane, a native of Bengal, became the chief produce of West Indies. A B C D 153.B 154.C 155.D 156.A 157.A 158.A 159.A 160.D 161.C 162.C 163.B 164.B 165.A 166.B 167.D 168.D 169.D 170.B 171.C 172.B 173.B 174.C 175.B 176.B 177.? 178.? 179. Mount St. Helens, a volcano in Washington State in the United States, erupted in Mary 18, 1980. A B C D 180. Despite of its isolation in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000 people died A B C in the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakato. D 181. Many of the satellites of space carry telescopes and other instruments used in astronomy to A B C look at the stars. D 182. Wood, the hardened material from which trees are composed, is made up of millions of tiny A B C tubes of fibers packed together. D 183. Animals that live in areas that are covered in show in winter change the color of their coat A B C according the seasons. D 184. The dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on the island of Mauritius, in Indian Ocean. A B C D 185. Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refuges. A B C D 186. The most coral islands develop from reefs that grow up around volcanic refuges. A B C D 187. When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared. A B C D 179.(D) 180.(A) 181.(B) 182.(B) 183.(D) 184.(D) 185.(D) 186.(A) 187.(?) 188. The new island of Surtsey is its ideal natural laboratory for scientists. A B C D 189. Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tiny sea organisms and the remains. A B C D 190. The most of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coal, oil, and natural gas A B C D 191. Zachary Taylor was first president to be elected from a State west of the Mississippi River. A B C D 192. "Old faitful" in the Yollowstone National Park is probably the world's most famous geyser. A B C D 193. The world's fastest animal is cheetah, but if bird are included, the fastest of all animals is A B C the spine-tailed swift. D 194. Soybeans were first grown in the Orient and brought to the Western world during the World War A B C D Two. 195. It is amazing what discovered Faraday in the field of science without the use of mathematics. A B C D
  14. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 188.(C) 189.(D) 190.(A) 191.(A) 192.(B) 193.(B) 194.(D) 195.(A) 196. The production of tin ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, less than one hundred tons annually. a. amount to b. in the amount c. amount to it d. to the amount of 197. Earlier or later, all lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers A B the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. C D 198. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's State parks in 1954. A B C D 199. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one part tin. A B C D 200. A logarithm is algebra as an exponent. a. known what b. known what it is c. what is known d. what it is known 201. Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people A B C by endorsement. D 202. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources A B C D on Earth. 196.A 197.A 198.D 199.D 200.C 201.C 202.C 203. Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production. A B C D 204. The decay of a muon is an example of an weak interaction between atomic particles. A B C D 205. All village or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, A B a festival in which social ties were renewed. C D 206. Pipelines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing A temperatures, heavy rain, and soil erode. B C D 207. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit into fabrics. A B C D 208. Not only in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well. a. human behavior is studied b. is human behavior studied c. is studied human behavior d. human behavior 209. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like. A B C D 203.(d) 204.(c) 205.(a) 206.(d) 207.(d) 208.(b) 209.(d) 210. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond of A B C vertical and zigzag lines. D
  15. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 211. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the A B group was that it met at all. C D 212. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect. A B C D 213. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery, the greater he succeeded in A B C D annoying her. 214. Do you know that the population of Washington D.C. is about as many as that of Minneapolis? A B C D 215. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family A B C D disintegration and degeneration. 210.(c) 211.(b) 212.(c) 213.(c) 214.(c) 215.(?) 216. Generally speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few cases they must be submitted A B C every six months. D 217. A question often posed about journalism is "How much freedom should reporters have A B interpreting any given news item?" C D 218. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings. A B C D 219. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had A B recently migrated from near-by states. C D 220. Every one of the boys here yesterday has a bicycle. a. was b. were c. who was d. who were 221. The building opposite to the bank is among the few higher ones that has been put up A B C during the last few years. D 216.(c) 217.(d) 218.(a) 219.(b) 220.(d) 221.(c) 222. The hurricane, coming while it did, took the Florida coastal community by surprise. A B C D 223. Why did the Galapagos Islands have so many finches, a different kind of beak suited to its special feeding habits a. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which 224. All steam engines work for the same reason : steam occupies more than 1,700 times the water from which it comes. a. of the space of much of b. much of the space c. with as much space as d. as much space as 225. Scientists have recently argued that Einstein's contribution to physics and mathematics are less A B C important as Newton's. D 226. Even the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the South is as good as any other A B C D region in the country.
  16. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 227. The study of astronomy is so recent as the past centuries, but astrology has existed for thousands A B C D of years. 228. The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are geologists. 229. Microwave oven thermometers are more cost than other kinds of thermometers. A B C D 230. Mercury is the most small planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun. A B C D 231. The store . a. that had the recently big sale went bankrupt b. that recently had the big sale went bankrupt c. that had the big recently sale went bankrupt d. that had the big sale went recently bankrupt 232. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually for more than they would expect. A B C D 222.(B) 223.(C) 224.(D) 225.(C) 226.(D) 227.(A) 228.(D) 229.(B) 230.(B) 231.(B) 232.(C) 233. Farmers grow popcorn in much the same way field corn, except that the rows are planted closer together. a. that they grow b. that grow c. they grow it d. do they grow 234. often added to sauces and soups, is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. a. Parsely, an herb that is b. For parsely, an herb to be c. An herb, parsely is d. Parsely, is that herb 235. The Grapes of Wrath, a novel about the Depression years of the 1930's, is one of John Steinbecks's books. a. most famous b. the most famous c. are most famous d. and most famous 236. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricity, but under certain circumstances. a. so can do b. do so can c. can do so d. so do can 237. Among the giants of the sea , which may weigh up to 1,000 pounds. a. tuna b. the tuna c. being the tuna d. is the tuna 238. one of more units of living substance called protoplasm. a. All living things consist of b. Although all living things that consist of c. All living things consisting of d. In all living things consisting of 239. A newspaper's political cartoons capsule versions of editorial opinion. a. serve as b. serve c. in serving d. be served 240. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant Wood has called America's "Painter A B C D of the Soil." 241. Chromosomes as appear long, tangled threads when they first become visible during the early A B C D prophase stage of mitosis. 233.(A) 234.(A) 235.(A) 236.(C) 237.(D) 238.(A) 239.(A) 240.(D) 241.(A)
  17. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 242. In the Middle Ages, books called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals, real or A B imagine, that exemplified human traits. C D 243. The relationship of Latin American music to Black music in the United States is clearly evident in A B C the unaccented beats that are common to either. D 244. Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus A B C rotate in the opposite direction. D 245. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives. A B C D 246. Nobody should be able to find fault in that argument. A B C D 247. Since the early 1990's Luther Burbank bred a spineless variety of cactus that can be eaten as food. A B C D 248. The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States was 134。F on Death Valley, California, A B C in 1913. D 249. All sewing was done with hand until the invention of the sewing machine in the nineteenth century. A B C D 250. Only a few species of the wasp can adapt to cold environments. A B C D 251. A drama is a story intended to be presented by actors onto a stage. A B C D 252. The relationship between law to liberty is even more paradoxical than that between law and order. A B C D 253. An opera combines the excitement of drama and spectacle to the power of music. A B C D 242.(C) 243.(D) 244.(A) 245.(D) 246.(B) 247.(A) 248.( ) 249.( ) 250.( ) 251.(D) 252.(A) 253.(D) 254. No custom, belief, or action can be fully understood away its social or cultural context. A B C D 255. The Alexandria Gazette, published daily since 1797, is the oldest regularly published newspapers A B C in the United States. D 256. Diamond is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite, another carbon allotrope, is . A) the softest one of B) softest of the one C) the one of the softest D) one of the softest 257. Texas is the only state whose constitution permits it into smaller states. A) divides B) divide C) be dividing D) to be divided 258. Unlike ordinary light sources, a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on only one direction. A B C D 259. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity for the properties of plants and trees, and the A B habits of wild birds and beasts. C D 260. Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a A B C great deal of accuracy. D 261. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions.
  18. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A)in spite of B) contrary C) contrast to D) but 262. Medical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds, A B C D hay fever, and other respiratory reactions. 263. Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem A B to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era. C D 264. The Swiss admit to running work camps for refugees during the war, but deny whether they were A B C specifically designed to victimize Jews. D 254.(D) 255.(C) 256.(D) 257.(D) 258.(D) 259.(B) 260.(A) 261.(D) 262.(A) 263.(D) 264.(C) 265. He was stopped each dozen yards by friends who wanted to congratulate him. A B C D 266. All objects are composed of many molecules and the force of gravity pulls on every of them. A B C D 267. One or the other of the secretaries have to attend the meeting. But both of them are reluctant to A B C D do so. 268. Wagner and Strauss were such good friends that they frequently exchanged gifts with one another. A B C D 269. Culture and society are so interdependent that they do not occur without each another. A B C D 270. The characters in Mrs. Paley's short stories are unable to understand anything about A themselves or to communicate with one another in any but the most primitive and B C D unrevealing fashion. 271. The farmer uses wood to build a house to store grains. a)with which b) where c)which d)in which 265.(A) 266.(D) 267.(C) 268.(D) 269.(D) 270.(B) 271.( ) 272. The seventeenth century was one in that many significant advances were made in both A B C D science and philosophy. 273. Some antibiotics used in the treatment of human disease are like only in that they are A B C D obtained from fungi and bacteria. 274. In the attempt to control inflation by eliminating social programs, there are ethical limits A B beyond where many economists and politicians are reluctant to go. C D 275. The biggest single hobby in America, the one that Americans spend most time, energy A B C and money, is gardening. D 276. Constructed in Chicago in 1883, the Home Insurance Building was the first building in A the world that the floors and the exterior masonry walls were supported by a skeleton B C D framework of metal. 277. Advancements in technology are inextricably linked to the strength and survival of the A B high-tech industry and its potential to create new jobs.
  19. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology C D 272.(B) 273.(C) 274.( ) 275.(B) 276.(B) 277.(C) 278. The chimpanzee possesses hand tool, the sticky termite stick, with which it digs termites A B C out of logs and stumps. D 279. For the past few years, researchers have perfected their control over the movement of A B C cells and microbes by using low-power laser beams. D 280. Perhaps the most unique thing about carbon atoms are their ability to combine with A B C D themselves. 281. Psychologists and psychiatrists are trained to encourage their parents to talk for the A B C things that are causing them difficulty. D 282. Physicists sought ways many others to emit light, amplifying it to much higher powers. A)how one atom or molecule could stimulate B)one atom or molecule stimulating C)stimulating one atom or molecule by D)by which one atom or molecule could stimulate 283. In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or A B C relating those objects. D 284. Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has. A B C D 285. An ideal is a standard people judge real phenomena. A)how B)of C)by which D)for it 286. Founded around 1075, the Acoma pueblo is considered settlement in the United States. A) the oldest continuously occupied B) occupied continuously the oldest C) the oldest occupied continuously D) continuously the oldest occupied 287. One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining what the A B C functions of sleep is. D 278.(A) 279.(B) 280.(C) 281.(C) 282.(D) 283.(B) 284.(A) 285.(C) 286.(A) 287.(B) 288. Jacobson is often referred to at the factory. A)as the best engineer B)be the best engineer C)by the president to be the best engineer D) as being the best engineer 289. Teaching and learning are part of the same educational experience but unfortunately they A B are often thought of to be separate. C D 290. An epigram is usually defined to be a bright or witty thought tersely and ingeniously A B C D expressed. 291. We usually define an epigram to be a bright or witty thought tersely and ingeniously A B C
  20. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology expressed. D 292. Perhaps you have found some words to live by and treasured them because they say A B something which you regard to be vital. C D 293. The truck was found an Highway 63. A) to be abandoned B) to be abandoning C) abandoned D) abandon 294. Imagine to my surprise when I saw one man tn the car pull out a pocket book and begin A B C to read. D 295. To read Tolstoy and to be introduced to nineteenth-century Russian literature is two A B C excellent reasons for taking professor Morrel's course. D 296. Paris is one of the many cities in the world that are currently developing programs of A B restoring their historical buildings. C D 297. , a Form 57 must be completed. A) To apply for this job B) In order to get his job C) Making application for this job D) If you want to apply for this job 288.(A) 289.(D) 290.(B) 291.(B) 292.(D) 293.( ) 294.(A) 295.(C) 296.(C) 297.(D) 298. Ballads were early types of poetry and may have been among a first kinds of music. A B C D 299. During the 1600's skilled shoemakers scarce were in what is now the United States. A B C D 300. Salt lake city, Utah's capital and largest city, is industrial and banking center. A B C D 301. The arthropods, including insects and spiders, are great economic and medical A B C significance. D 302. The research of Percy Juliar has contributed to the creation of drugs that are in A B C widespread use over victims of arthritis. D 303. To his rural neighbors, Robert Frost was an likely farmer who wrote poets late at night. A B C D 304. Statistics suggests that the population of this country will be doubled in ten years' time. A B C D 305. The walls of this chapel are of solid masonry twenty-two and a half foot high and four A B C feet thick. D 306. The weeks of summer training are often as tense for sports writers as it is for football A B C D players and coaches. 307. Maritime law regulates commerce and navigation on the seas or other navigable waters, A B including inland lake rivers. C D 308. In all of the workers' union, they had definite and detailed rules about pension.
  21. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B C D 309. The tartar chief controls a thousand men, all of them must obey his orders in both war A B C D and peace. 310. The farmer uses wood to build a house to store grains. A)with which B)where C) which D)in which 298.(C) 299.(C) 300.(C) 301.(B) 302.(C) 303.(C) 304.( ) 305.(C) 306.(D) 307.(D) 308.(C) 309.(A) 310.(D) 311. In the Middle Ages, books called bestiaries were prepared in an attempt to describe animals, real or A B imagine, that exemplified human traits. C D 312. The relationship of Latin American music to Black music in the United States is clearly evident in A B C the unaccented beats that are common to either. D 313. Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions, while Venus and Uranus rotate A B C in the opposite direction. D 314. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives. A B C D 315. Nobody should be able to find fault in that argument. A B C D 316. Since the early 1990's Luther Burbank bred a spineless variety of cactus that can be eaten as food. A B C D 317. The highest temperature ever recorded in the United States was 134。F on Death Valley, California, A B C in 1913. C 318. All sewing was done with hand until the invention of the sewing machine in the nineteenth century. A B C D 319. Only a few species of the wasp can adapt to cold environments. A B C D 320. A drama is a story intended to be presented by actors onto a stage. A B C D 321. The relationship between law to liberty is even more paradoxical than that between law and order. A B C D 322. An opera combines the excitement of drama and spectacle to the power of music. A B C D 311.(C) 312.(D) 313.(A) 314.(D) 315.(B) 316.(A) 317.( ) 318.( ) 319.( ) 320.(D) 321.(A) 322.(D) 323. The production of tim ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, less than one hundred tons annually. A) amounting to B) in the amount C) amounts to it D) to the amount of 324. Earlier or later, all lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers A B the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. C D 325. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's state parks in 1954. A B C D 326. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one partin. A B C D 327. A logarithm is in algebra as an exponent.
  22. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A)known what B)known what it is C)what is known D)what it is known 328. Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people by A B C endorsement. D 329. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources on A B C D Earth. 330. Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production. A B C D 331. The decay of a muon is an example of an weak interaction between atomic particles. A B D D 332. All village or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, a A B festival in which social ties were renewed. C D 333. Pipelines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing A B temperatures, heavy rain, and soil erode. C D 334. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, them woven or knit into fabrics. A B C D 335. Not only in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well. A) human behavior is studied B) is human behavior studied C) is studied human behavior D) human behavior 336. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like. A B C D 323.(A) 324.(A) 325.(D) 326.(D) 327.(D) 328.(C) 329.(C) 330.(D) 331.(C) 332.(A) 333.(D) 334.(D) 335.(B) 336.(D) 337. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond or vertical and zigzag lines. 338. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the group was that it met at all. 339. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect. 340. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery, the greater he succeeded in annoying her. 341. Do you know that the population of washington D.C. is about as many as that of Minneapolis? 342. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil as represented by family disintegration and degeneration. 343. Generally speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few cases they must be submitted every six months. 344. A question often posed about journalism is "How much freedom should reporters have interpreting any given news item?" 345. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings.
  23. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 346. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had recently migrated from near-by states. 347. Every one of the boys here yesterday has a bicycle. A) was B) were C) who was D) who were 348. The building opposite to the bank is among the few higher ones that has been put up during the last few years. 337.(C) 338.(B) 339.(C) 340.(C) 341.(C) 342.( ) 343.(C) 344.( ) 345.(A) 346.(B) 347.(C) 348.(C) 349. No custom, belief, or action can be fully understood away its social or cultural context. 350. The Alexandria Gazette, published daily since 1797, is the oldest regularly published newspapers in the United States. 351. Diamond is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite, another carbon allotrope, is . A) the softest one of B) softest of the one C) the one of the softest D) one of the softest 352. Texas is the only state whose constitution permits it into smaller states. A) divides B) divide C) be dividing D) to be divided 353. Unlike ordinary light sources, a laser sends out a narrow beam of light on only one direction. 354. A thorough study of mythology requires familiarity for the properties of plants and trees, and the habits of wild birds and beasts. 355.Seismology has not reached yet the stage where earthquakes can be foretold with a great deal of accuracy. 356. Until the ninth century, written words were not actually separated, in some literary writing, dots or points were used to indicate divisions. A)in spite of B) contrary C) contrast to D) but 357.Medical research indicates but large amounts of histamines can be responsible for colds, hay fever, and other respiratory reactions. 358.Precisely because photographs are produced by mechanical devices, a camera's images now seem to some artists the perfect means for expression the modern era. 359.The Swiss admit to running work camps for refugees during the war, but deny whether they were specifically designed to victimize Jews. 349.(D) 350.(C) 351.(D) 352.(D) 353.(D) 354.(B) 355.(A) 356.(D) 357.(A) 358.(D) 359.(C) 360. Mount St. Helens, a volcano in Washington State in the United States, erupted in Mary 18, 1980. A B C D 361. Despite of its isolation in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, over 36,000 people died in
  24. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B C the tidal waves following the explosion of Krakato. D 362. Many of the satellites of space carry telescopes and other instruments used in astronomy to look at A B C D the stars. 363. Wood, the hardened material from which trees are composed, is made up of millions of tiny tubes of A B C D fibers packed together. 364. Animals that live in areas that are covered in show in winter change the color of their coat A B C according the seasons. D 365. The dodo, a giant bird now extinct, lived on the island of Mauritius, in Indian Ocean. A B C D 366. Pelican Island in Florida and Oregon Islands in Oregon are wildlife refuges. A B C D 367. The most coral islands develop from reefs that grow up around volcanic refuges. A B C D 368. When the island of Surtsey was eighteen months old a first leafy green plant appeared. A B C D 360.(D) 361.(A) 362.(B) 363.(B) 364.(D) 365.(D) 366.(D) 367.(A) 368.( ) 369. The new island of Surtsey is its ideal natural laboratory for scientists. A B C D 370. Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tiny sea organisms and the remains. A B C D 371. The most of the energy used in our homes and factories is generated from coal, oil, and natural A B C D gas. 372. Zachary Taylor was first president to be elected from a State west of the Mississippi River. A B C D 373. "Old faithful" in the Yellowstone National Park is probably the world's most famous geyser. A B C D 374. The world's fastest animal is cheetah, but if bird are included, the fastest of all animals is the A B C D spine-tailed swift. 375. Soybeans were first grown in the Orient and brought to the Western world during the World A B C D War Two. 376. It is amazing what discovered Faraday in the field of science without the use of mathematics. A B C D 369.(C) 370.(D) 371.(A) 372.(A) 373.(B) 374.(B) 375.(D) 376.(A) 377. The production of tin ore in the United States is relatively insignificant, ___ less than one hundred tons annually. a. amount to b. in the amount c. amount to it d. to the amount of 378. Earlier or later, aoo lakes are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake sediment lowers A B the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. C D
  25. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 379. Jekyll island has been one of Georgia's State parks in 1954. A B C D 380. Bells are frequently made from bronze, an alloy of approximately three part copper and one part tin. A B C D 381. A logarithm is ___ .algebra as an exponent. a. known what b. known what it is c. what is known d. what it is known 382. Negotiable instruments such as personal checks may ordinarily be transferred to another people A B C by endorsement. D 383. Scientists and economists believe that human beings can never use away all the mineral resources A B C D on Earth. 377.(a) 378.(a) 379.(d) 380.(d) 381.(c) 382.(c) 383.(c) 384. Idaho ranks first among the states in potatoes production. A B C D 385. The decay of a muon is an example of an weak interaction between atomic particles. A B C D 386. All village or tribe of the North American Indian confederacy had its annual green corn dance, A B a festival in which social ties were renewed. C D 387. Pipelines are continually inspected for leaks and for damage caused by such conditions as freezing A B temperatures, heavy rain, and soil erode. C D 388. Plastics used to make textiles can be drawn into fine threads, then woven or knit into fabrics. A B C D 389. Not only ___ in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well. a. human behavior is studied b. is human behavior studied c. is studied human behavior d. human behavior 390. The new information on asbestos caused panic in construction and industry like. A B C D 384.(d) 385.(c) 386.(a) 387.(d) 388.(d) 389.(b) 390.(d) 391. The weaving design was then embellished with a series of small chained diamond optical and A B C zigzag lines. D 392. Aside from the resolution to have more ecumenical conferences, the most accomplishment of the A B group was that it met at all. C D 393. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually far more than they would expect. A B C D 394. The more Robert tried to please his mother through mere flattery ,the greater he succeeded in A B C D annoying her. 395. Do you know that the population of Washington D. C. is about as many as that of Mineapolis?
  26. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B C D 396. Most William Faulkner's novels deal with the universal problems of evil represented by family A B C D disintegration and degeneration. 391.(c) 392.(b) 393.(c) 394.(c) 395.(c) 396.( ) 397. Generally speaking, tax returns must be filed annually, but in few cases they must be submitted A B C every six months. D 398. A question often posed about journalism is "How much freedom should reporters have interpreting A B C any given news item?" D 399. An analytical index group many individual subtopics under major subject headings. A B C D 400. Within the Alamo were one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of them had recently A B migrated from near-by states. C D 401. Every one of the boys ___ here yesterday has a bicycle. a. was b. were c. who was d. who were 402. The building opposite to the bank is among the few higher ones that has been put up during the A B C last few years. D 397.(c) 398.(d) 399.(a) 400.(b) 401.(d) 402.(c) 403. The hurricane, coming while it did, took the Florida coastal community by surprise. A B C D 404. Why did the Galapagos Islands have so many finches, a different kind of beak suited to its special feeding habits? a. each has b. with each c. each with d. with which 405. All steam engines work for the same reason : steam occupies more than 1,700 times __ the water from which it comes. a. of the space of much of b. much of the space c. with as much space as d. as much space as 406. Scientists have recently argued that Einstein's contribution to physics and mathematics are less A B C important as Newton's. D 407. Even the most discriminating gourmet will agree that food in the South is as good as any other A B C D region in the country. 408. The study of astronomy is so recent as the past centuries, but astrology has existed for thousands A B C D of years. 409. The scientists who are probably mostly interested in flights to the moon are geologists. 410. Microwave oven thermometers are more cost than other kinds of thermometers. A B C D 411. Mercury is the most small planet in the solar system and the closest to the sun. A B C D
  27. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 412. The store . a. that had the recently big sale went bankrupt b. that recently had the big sale went bankrupt c. that had the big recently sale went bankrupt d. that had the big sale went recently bankrupt 413. The intelligence ability of an athlete is usually for more than they would expect. A B C D 403.(B) 404.(C) 405.(D) 406.(C) 407.(D) 408.(A) 409.(D) 410.(B) 411.(B) 412.(B) 413.(C) 414. Farmers grow popcorn in much the same way field corn, except that the rows are planted closer together. a. that they grow b. that grow c. they grow it d. do they grow 415. ___ often added to sauces and soups, is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. a. Parsely, an herb that is b. For parsely, an herb to be c. An herb, parsely is d. Parsely, is that herb 416. The Grapes of Wrath, a novel about the Depression years of the 1930's, is one of John Steinback's ___ books. a. most famous b. the most famous c. are most famous d. and most famous 417. A semiconductor is a substance that seldom conducts electricity, but ___ under certain circumstances. a. so can do b. do so can c. can do so d. so do can 418. Among the giants of the sea ___ which may weigh up to 1,000 pounds. a. tuna b. the tuna c. being the tuna d. is the tuna 419. ___ one of more units of living substance called protoplasm. a. All living things consist of b. Although all living things that consist of c. All living things consisting of d. In all living things consisting of 420. A newspaper's political cartoons ___ capsule versions of editorial opinion. a. serve as b. serve c. in serving d. be served 421. A painter who lived most of his life in the Middle West, Grant Wood has called America's A B C D "Painter of the Soil." 422. Chromosomes as appear long, tangled threads when they first become visible during the early A B C D prophase stage of mitosis. 414.(A) 415.(A) 416.(A) 417.(C) 418.(D) 419.(A) 420.(A) 421.(D) 422.(A) 423. Dallas, Texas, has become a national hub of bank, fashion, manufacturing, trade, and transportation. A B C D 424 Vibrantly woven Navajo rugs and tapestries are marks of elegant and taste in homes and art collections A B C the world over. D 425. Lillian D. Wald was an ardent pacifist, and participants in peace movements held her in big regard. A B C D 426. west of the Rocky Mountains. (A) Tornadoes almost occur never (B) Tornadoes never almost occur
  28. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (C) Never tornadoes almost occur (D) Tornadoes almost never occur 427. In , the advent of the telephone, radio, and television has made rapid long-distance communication possible. (A) one hundred years later (B) one hundred years ago (C) the one hundred years since (D) the last one hundred years 428. Not every peal that is found (A) of value (B) is valuable (C) to be valued (D) valuable Answer. 423. (C) 424. (B) 425. (D) 426. (D) 427. (D) 428. (B) 429. The clay burial vessels from the early Hopewell culture of North America are decorated with zigzag, grooved, and (A) geometrically designed (B) designs are geometric (C) geometric designs (D) geometry designed 430. The common field mouse is about four inches long and has a three-inched tail. A B C D 431 manifest is an itemizing list of the goods or passengers a vessel is carrying. A B C D 432. Minoleum is a trade name for the waterproof floors covering most often used in kitchen. A B C D 433. In 1984 the world population rose to over 47 billion, up almost 85 million from an estimate made the A B C year ago. D 434. Young eagles develop adult markings after their third year, at which time they leave parental supervise A B C D and seek their own mates and territories. 435. The first person believed to have used a series of photograph to produce an illusion of movement was A B C D coleman sellers. Answer. 429. (C) 430. (D) 431. (B) 432. (B) 433. (D) 434. (D) 435. (B) 436. The fruit of the plantation looks much like a banana, and it is not so sweet or so pleasing in flavor. A B C D 437. Average world temperatures have risen on half a degree celsius since the mid-nineteenth century. A B C D 438. Why certain plants contain alkaloids remains a mystery, although botanists have formulated a number of A B C theory to explain it. D 439. Dimness of light will not harm the eyes any more than taking a photograph in dimly light can harm a A B C D camera. 440. Contemporary film directors, some of them write the scripts for, act in, and even produce their own A B motion pictures, are thereby assuming ever more control of their art. C D 441. The early periods of aviation in the United States was marked by exhibition flights made by individual A B C fliers or by teams of performers at country fairs.
  29. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology D Answer. 436. (A) 437. (B) 438. (D) 439. (D) 440. (A) 441. (A) 442. Being the biggest expanse of brackish water in the world, the Baltic sea is of special interesting A B C D to scientists. 443. While studying the chemistry of human body, Dr. Rosalyn Yalow won a Nobel Prize for the research she A B conducted on the role of hormones. C D 444. During early nineteenth century, the building of canals and railroads strengthened the state of indiana's A B C links with the eastern United States. D 445. Massachusetts was first explored in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and the first A B C permanent settlement at plymouth in 1620. D 446. Eagles are predatory birds that have large, heavy, hooked bills and strong, sharp claws called as 'talons'. A B C D 447. Most of our ideas of what ancient people looked and dressed come from the works of Renaissance artists. A B C D Answer. 442. (D) 443. (B) 444. (A) 445. (D) 446. (D) 447. (A) 448. Ancient Egyptians used asbetos to weave funeral garments for kings and another important people. A B C D 449. Besides being a good heat and electrical insulator, other use of asbestos has been to keep down noise A B C D levels in public buildings. 450. Asbestos can stand so high temperatures that it was used as protective clothing by fire fighters. A B C D 451. A small amount of radiation can help cure someone, whereas too many will cause harm. A B C D 452. A few radon can be found in many types of soil. A B C D 453. Radon gas is not a threat to human life almost of the time. A B C D 454. No new innovations have been developed to replace asbestos being used for brake linings on cars. A B C D 455. Other, mere common, name for crocidolite is blue asbestos because of its color. A B C D Answer. 448. (D) 449. (C) 450. (A) 451. (D) 452. (A) 453. (D) 454. (A) 455. (A) 456. When asbestos fibers are breathed in, they make damage to our lungs. A B C D 457. A living polyp looks like little sea anemone, with tentacles to trap tiny animals for food. A B C D 458. Investment banks do not accept deposits from the public or do loans to businesses or individuals. A B C D 459. the surface of metal, but also weakens it. (A) Not only does rust corrode (B) Not only rust corrode (C) Rust, which not only corrode (D) Rust not only corrodes 460. All marble is composed of crystals of the minerals calcite or dobmite, , are perfectly white. (A) when, pure which (B) when, which pure
  30. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (C) which, pure when (D) which, when pure 461. A body weighs from the surface of the Earth. (A) less the farther it gets (B) the farther it gets, the less (C) less than it gets farther (D) less than it, the farther it gets Answer. 456. (C) 457. (C) 458. (C) 459. (D) 460. (D) 461. (A) 462. Any property that a bankrupt person may still have is usually divided among the various people to whom A B C money are owed. D 463. When a bacterium becomes to large, it splits on half and forms two new bacteria, its own cell wall and protoplasm. (A) each has (B) with each (C) has each (D) each with 464. Of all the native American tribes, the shawnee Indians were a most transient. A B C D 465. Many corporations have found that doing a great deal of business in the telephone is more profitable A B C D than sending officials on frequent business trips. 466. The body does not stay at the alike temperature from morning till night. A B C D 467. The concentration of hemoglobin in branchiopod blood varies inverse with the oxygen content of the A B C surrounding waters. D Answer. 462. (D) 463. (D) 464. (D) 465. (C) 466. (C) 467. (B) 468. Underground gold deposits are usually wedged in the cracks of burying quarts slabs. A B C D 469. The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth. (A) clearest (B) the clearest (C) much clearer (D) more clearer 470. A loudspeaker functions on the same principle that the telephone receiver does, but is more larger and A B C louder. D 471. We cannot conquer disease nor we cannot educate all humanity. A B C D 472. In many parts of the United States, houses are considerably more energy efficient than they are a decade A B C ago. D 473. Electric streetlight have been first used in 1879 and soon replaced gas-burning lamps. A B C D 474. New York city has been the capital of New York State until 1797, when the state capital was moved to A B C D Albany. Answer. 468. ( ) 469. (C) 470. (C) 471. (C) 472. (C) 473. (B) 474. (A) 475. Our friends are expected to assume the burden of their own defense, they are competent to do.
  31. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (A) which we are certain (B) that we are certain of (C) of which we are sure (D) for which we are sure 476. I have written about the change in the social system to promote happiness. (A) to require (B) requiring (C) to be required (D) required 477. Croquet is a popular lawn game which players hit wooden balls through wire arches called wickets. A B C D 478. The seventeenth century was one in that many significant advances were made in both science and A B C D philosophy. 479. In the attempt to control inflation by eliminating social programs, there are ethical limits beyond where A B C many economists and politicians are reluctant to go. D Answer. 475. (A) 476. (D) 477. (A) 478. (A) 479. (C) 480. Spring is arriving a week earlier in the Northern hemisphere than it was a decede ago, and strange A B C things are happening with wildlife. D 481. The U.S. Senate Department warms that unless significant steps are done soon, greenhouse gas concentrations A will very likely triple in a hundred years, reaching levels higher than at any time in the last 50 million years. B C D 482. A butterfly in the American West known Edith's checkerspot has moved about 200km north of where it A B C D used to live. 483. Fifty eight years after novel Richard Wright left his home in Mississippi, the state proclaimed November A B C D 2128 as Richard Wright Week. 484. Alexander Graman Bell received a potent in 1880 for the ideas of using light to relay sound via a telephone. A B C D 485. Both as a hobby and as a profession, photography has fascinated people for more than hundred years. A B C D Answer. 480. (B) 481. (A) 482. (B) 483. (B) 484. (C) 485. (D) 486. For all their knowledge and years' observations, astronomers have more questions than answers about A B C Hally's or any other comet. D 487. The conditions most favorable to the form of dew are relatively high humidity and a clam, clear atmosphere. A B C D 488. They employed a sensitive computerized clocking devise capable of defecting orbital timing changes of A B C only a fifty-millionth of a second. D 489. Traditionally, ethnographers and linguistics have paid little attention to cultural interpretations given to silence, A B or to the types of social contexts in which tends to occur. C D 490. that the formation of the sun, the planets, and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar gas cloud. (A) Believing
  32. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology (B) To believe (C) The belief (D) It is believed Answer. 486. (B) 487. (B) 488. (B) 489. (D) 490. (D) 491. It is a widely held theory which the ancestral prototype of the flowering Asterales was a woody plant, A B C perhaps a small tree. D 492. It is inconceivable if aggression against the small republic would not be met with the full force of her A B C D allies' military power. 493. It was not until the accident and his hospital confinement in 1970, when he made up his mind to become A B C D a doctor. 494. Various animals have shells that keep themselves from growing beyond a certain size. A B C D 495. The president announced that he himself would act upon the evidence as presented to himself by the A B C D congressional committee. 496. While remaining accountable to the administration as well as to those individuals who submit complaints, A B C an arbitrator must decide each case on their own merits. D 497. Zoologists have determined that each deer usually has many mates in the lifetime. A B C D Answer. 491. (B) 492. (A) 493. (B) 494. (B) 495. (D) 496.(D) 497.( ) 498. The space shuttle will continue to provide scientific researches along with its role to provide transportation A B services to private industry. C D 499. New Orleans is different from most any other city in the United States. A B C D 500. At least ninety-nine percent of the atmosphere's total mass is contained within a distance of fifty miles A B C D above the Earth. 501. In the United States, the individual income tax is the governmental largest source of revenue. A B C D 502. The study of astronomy is so recent as the past centuries, but astrology has existed for thousands of A B C D time. 503. Dried fruits are not costly to produce but can be stored satisfactorily for long periods of time. A B C D 504. Spectrum analysis was led to the dramatic discovery of the element helium. A B C D Answer. 498. (B) 499. (A) 500. (B) 501. (B) 502. (D) 503. (D) 504. (D) 505. He was standing quietly when presently a young woman, who had been combing her hair and watched A B C him, approached and asked him for directions. D 506. The art students were enthralled by the sheer beauty of the portrait before them. (A) which hang (B) which has hung (C) by that hung (D) which hung
  33. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 507. The folklore of the native of the Bland of uffa includes some of the most strangest legends known to A B C D anthropology 508. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest planet among the solar system, with a diameter A B approximately eleven times that of the Earth. C D 509. As every other nation, the United States used to define its unit of currency, the dollar, in terms of the A B C D gold standard. 510. Life insurance, before available only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained for old people and A B C even for pets. D Answer. 505. (C) 506. (D) 507. (C) 508. (C) 509. (A) 510. (A) 511. Within the Alamo was one hundred and eighty men, more than two thirds of whom had recently migrated A B C from near-by states. D 512. Because the publicity had been poorly handled, the organizers of the rally were afraid that hardly many A B C people would attend. D 513. where to find him and how to find him to us. (A) is not known (B) not known (C) has not known (D) are not known 514. The museum uses volunteers from the community who act as a guide to show visitors the displays of A B C local artists' work. D 515. If one had read all of the committee's report, you would not have been so quick to disagree. A B C D 516. Either the carpenters or the electrician can store their tools in the shed, but there is no room for both A B C D sets. Answer. 511. (A) 512. (C) 513. (A) 514. (B) 515. (C) 516. (B) 517. The Unites States census of 1880 took seven years to compile and put together. A B C D 518. The more one knows about Elizabethan England, the more you understand the importance of the British A B C D navy. 519. After careful consideration and planning, he was determined (A) that the merger should go (B) to go on merging (C) to start merging (D) to go ahead with the merger 520. Although the mole cricket spends most of its underground life, it is a strong flier. A B C D 521. about Emily Dickinson's psychological and emotional well-being is inferred from her poems and letters. (A) What is known (B) To be known (C) Knowing is (D) Known
  34. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology Answer. 517. (D) 518. (C) 519. (D) 520. (C) 521. (A) 522. Mountain ranges are important that they determine the climate and water flow of surrounding regions. A B C D 523. In years scientists have been warming that the ever-increasing emissions of carbon dioxide will warm the A B C globe with disastrous consequence. D 524. The courage and heroic of kapiolani, high chief of Hawaii in the early nineteenth century, were the inspiration A B C D for a poem by Tennyson. 525. While ancient times people simply painted inanimate objects, during the Renaissance the painting of A B C "still life" developed as an accepted art form. D 526. History sometimes effects a kind of reverse perspective in one's perception of the past : events appear A B C more significant the for away they get. D 527. All of the United States Presidents, James Buchanan is the only one who was not married. A B C D Answer. 522. (A) 523. (A) 524. (B) 525. (A) 526. (D) 527. (A) 528. Much of the precipitation that falls on the earth by plants (A) are absorbed (B) absorbed (C) which is absorbed (D) is absorbed 529. The fountain pen, which feeds ink to the pen point from a reservoir, was first produced successfully on A B C D a commercial scale in the 1880's. 530. Seven of planets rotate in the same direction as their orbital motions. A B C D 531. A rat's sharp teeth can gnaw through wood, plaster, or soft metallic such as led. A B C D 532. The Pacific is the deepest ocean, with at more profound depths than any other ocean. (A) a bottom area more than (B) more bottom area (C) more bottom area than (D) a bottom area more Answer. 528. (D) 529. (D) 530. (A) 531. (D) 532. (B) 533. Mealii Kalama, creator of over 400 Hawaiian quilts, was granted a National Heritage Fellowship in 1985 for A B herself contributions to folk art. C D 534. Our urge to classify different life forms and give us names seems to be as old as the human race. A B C D 535. Each day 16,000 people contract HIV, nearly doubled the previous estimate of the infection rate. A B C D 536. In the last year in Europe and the United States, the biggest research breakthroughs since the virus was A B discovered in 1981 commuted the disease from a certain death sentence to a nagging - though still deadly C D
  35. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology - infection. 537. Multicolored woodcuts must be printed with as many blocks as colors in the composition. (A) there are (B) many (C) some of (D) it is Answer. 533. (C) 534. (B) 535. (C) 536. (C) 537. (A) 538. They would come out to attack and then disappeared back into the deep forests, where their opponents A B C D were at a disadvantage. 539. The prime minister's conviction for improper campaign practices is likely to result in increasing pressure A B C that she resigns. D 540. Carbon-14 analysis is not able to be used to date such inorganic materials as potty shards or rock and A B C metal artifacts, often the only traces of early man. D 541. He confessed that for months he was scarcely being able to look at the lawyer without become angry. A B C D 542. Girls usually mature faster than boys, so that at kindergarten age girl may be nearly a year advanced A B C over a boy of same age. D 543. Artificial rubies and sapphires have the same hard and composition as the real stones. A B C D Answer. 538. (A) 539. (D) 540. (A) 541. (C) 542. (D) 543. (C) 544. Professor Forester thought that because historical parrels are so much used unprecisely and A B uncritically it would be better to avoid them altogether in our themes. C D 545. A microphone enables a soft tone to be amplified, thus making it possible the gentle renditions of A B C romantic love songs in a large hall. D 546. Bauxite ares differ considerably physical appearance, according to their impurities and structural A B C D compositions. 547. The land of the united states is as varied as is vast. A B C D 548. No other beverage comes even close to rivaling coffee as the more widely drunk refreshment in the A B C world. D 549. Since over a foot of snow fell, the principal decided at 12:30 to dismiss all classes early. A B C D 550. The giant sequoia is one of the largest trees in the world, but they are not merely as tall as the A B related redwood, which reaches a height of 385 feet. C D 551. There are almost a million people with spanish surnames in Los Angeles, out of a total population A B of more than seven millions.
  36. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology C D 552. Recent archaeological studies indicate that Acoma was established by A.D 1100, however making it A B C the oldest continuously occupied village in the United States D 553. I intended to have written her a letter yesterday, but I forgot to because of the day and evening A B C appointment that I did. D 554. Organic gardeners find that leaves were one of the best substances to add to compost piles. A B C D 555. Present-day farms are more extensive than those in the past and will no doubt become largest. A B C D 556. Toward the end of her life Anne Sullivan Macy, Helen Keller's teacher, finally started to receive the A B national recognition that previously had been withholded. C D 544.(B) 545.(C) 546.(A) 547.(D) 548.(C) 549.(B) 550.(A) 551.(D) 552.(B) 553.(A) 554.(D) 555.(D) 556.(D) 557. ___ in science was important for Faraday. (A) Children that were interested (B) That children interested (C) That children should be interested (D) That interested children 558. Despite recent attempts to prove ___ did indeed reach the North Pole in 1909, the evidence still remains questionable. (A) What Robert Peary (B) That Robert Peary (C) Robert Peary, who (D) Robert Peary was 559. ___so incredible B that it can grow 385 miles of roots in four months, or about 3 miles in a day. (A) That makes the rye plant (B) What makes the rye plant (C) The rye plant (D) The rye plant which was 560. ___ was lowered to the sea bed in a glass container to make observation B debated. (A) Alexander the Great who (B) Whether Alexander the great (C) Alexander the Great (D) What Alexander the great 561. A coral reef consists in millions of tiny coral polypse which are a form of small animal related to A B C D anemones and jelly fishes. 562. ___ more than 2000 minerals are known, nearly all rocks are formed from seven mineral groups. (A) Although (B) However (C) Despite (D) Since 563. ___ energy for growth or repair, a plant must carry out photosynthesis (A) To obtain (B) It obtains (C) It is obtaining (D) Obtaining 564. Foods of animal origin generally supply greater amounts of iron to the diet than __ (A) are foods of plant origin (B) foods of plant origins (C) do foods of plant origin (D) plant origin foods 565. ___ food we eat lacks minerals, then the body can use the stores from its bones for more urgent needs. (A) As the (B) If the (C) The (D) Since
  37. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 566. Psychologists use standardized tests to help measure abilities, aptitudes, interesting candy, baked A B C goods, and canned goods. D 567. When radio programs became popular, approximately around 1925, many people stopped attending A B C D movies. Answer. 557.(C) 558.(B) 559.(B) 560.(B) 561.(A) 562.(A) 563.(A) 564.(C) 565.(B) 566.(C) 567.(B) 568. Uranium is extremely reactive ___. It combines vigorously with oxygen. (A) such (B) and (C) which (D) what 569. In blank verse of ten syllables, fire of which are accented. (A) line consists of each (B) consists of each line (C) each line consists (D) it consists of each line 570. Wagon trains were organized by defense with an almost military discipline. A B C D 571. Saturn was the most outer of the planets known in ancient times. A B C D 572. Pluto, the outermost planet of the solar system, discovered photographically in March 1930. A B C D 573. John Quincy Adams by most students of diplomacy the greatest of the United States secretaries of state. (A) considered (B) has considered (C) is considered (D) considering 574. International cartels in the drug and steel industries until the late 1930's. (A) were existed (B) that existed (C) existed (D) existing 575. Most educators today consider computer literacy being a necessary addition to the basic scholastic A B C D requirements. 576. Nutritionists goat milk to be rich, nourishing and readily digested. (A) consider (B) is considered (C) are considered (D) considering 577. Charles Babbage is generally considered having invented the first computer. A B C D 578. The operetta first has emerged as a popular form of musical theater in the nineteenth century. A B C D Answer 568.(A) 569.(C) 570.(B) 571.(B) 572.(B) 573.(C) 574.(C) 575.(B) 576.(A) 577.(C) 578.(A) 579. More ethnic and cultural groups are represented in Hawaii than any other states. A B C D 580. Rocky shores that ___ beaches are eventually destroyed by the sea. (A) lack (B) without (C) do not (D) no 581. A person's blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than ___ half times around the Earth at the equator. (A) twice a (B) two and a (C) two and (D) twice and 582. Like that of any other commodities, the value of gold results from the interplay of he forces of A B C supply and demand. D 583. Guar is a sturdy drought-resistant legume grows for forage and for its seeds. A B C D 584. Inheritance laws governing the distribution of property are complicate and differ in the various states. A B C D
  38. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 585. All paper is formed into sheets from ___ (A) which cellulose fibers (B) cellulose fibers (C) fibers are cellulose (D) which fibers are cellulose 586. Gasoline is a blend hundreds of chemical compounds called hydrocarbons. A B C D 587. By destroying harmful germs, disinfectants stop decay from becoming progressively worst. A B C D 588. Corporations, companies owned by much stockholders rather than by a single proprietor, began to A B C play an important economic role in the late nineteenth century. D 589. Because of a high birthrate and considerable immigration, the united states population in the late A B nineteenth century increased tremendously into 31 million in 1860 C D to 76million in 1900. 590. Humus, a substance found in soil, is soft and supply and enables plant roots to end out tiny hairs A B C through that they absorb water and food. D Answer: 579.(D) 580.(A) 581.(B) 582.(B) 583.(C) 584.(B) 585.(B) 586.(B) 587.(D) 588.(B) 589.(D) 590.(D) 591. Drumbeats which the actual words of their tribal language is communicated is a traditional form of A B C communication in Africa. D 592. A silkworm has glands that secrete a liquid that hardens into silk ___ comes into contact with air. (A) as it (B) when (C) that (D) it 593. ___ sodium chloride(salt) is not used by sea-living organisms, it forms the dominant mineral in seawater. (A) Since (B) Although (C) It is since (D) Although it 594. It is said that a special varnish used on a violin helps to produce the more beautiful tone. A B C D 595. Recently doctors warned that too much animal fat in the diet can lead to heart disease, ___ special types of margarine made with vegetable oils are becoming popular. (A) because (B) so (C) and since (D) except 596. Most scholars are unsure whether the wheel was first used by potters in Mesopotamia and in the A B C D central or eastern pants of Europe. 597. The carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food are breaked down into simpler forms in the digestive tract. A B C D 598. Each lichen consists of an alga and a fungus that lives together in a kind of plant partnership. A B C D 599. The aurora is a common features of the planet Earth and appears along two oval belts called the A B C D auroral ovals. 600. The activities of the Tennesse Valley Authority have aided the economic rehabilitation of the Tennesse Valley, ___ of some 40,000 square miles. (A) an area (B) its area (C) area (D) areas 601. Civilization today had depended on woods at great cost to the world's natural resources. A B C D 602. The marimba is a percussion instrument alike to xylophone. A B C D 603. A soluble substance, alkali reacts with acids to do salts.
  39. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A B C D 604. The sun's rays shine more directly at the equator than do they at the poles. A B C D Answer: 591.(A) 592.(B) 593.(A) 594.(D) 595.(B) 596.(D) 597.(B) 598.(B) 599.(A) 600.() 601.(A) 602.(D) 603.(D) 604.(C) 605. A reagent is any chemical that reacts in a predictable way ___ with other chemicals. (A) when mixed (B) when is mixed (C) it mixed (D) mixed is 606. In 1977, Marilyn Yadlowski, a undergraduate at Cornell University, found that pigeons had excellent A B low-frequency hearing, far surpassing that of humans. C D 607. Being the biggest expanse of brackish water in the world, the Baltic sea is of special interesting to A B C D scientists. 608. The glass tube in a fluorescent lamp contains mercury vapor under small pressure. A B C D 609. The discovery of gold in 1848 transformed San Francisco suddenly form a quiet port into one of the A B C world's richest and most famous city. D 610. Cotton is one of the most popular fiber used to make clothes. A B C D 611. The wood of the tulip tree, sometimes referred to as American Whitewood, is one of the most A B C valuable timber product in the United states. D 612. Penicillin is perhaps the drug ___ more lives than any other in the history of medicine. (A) what has saved (B) which saved (C) which has saved (D) who saves 613. Biochemists use fireflies to study bioluminescence, ___. (A) the heatless light given off by certain plants and animals. (B) certain plants and animals give off the heatless light (C) which certain plants and animals give off the heatless light (D) is the heatless light given off by certain plants and animals 614. Tenant farmers are who either rent a farm and work it for themselves or work the farm for the A B C D owner and receive payment. 615. The opening section of a sonata is the longest and ___. (A) introduces its principal theme (B) its principal theme introduced (C) being introduced its principal theme (D) its principal theme introducing Answer: 605.(A) 606.(A) 607.(D) 608.(D) 609.(D) 610.(C) 611.(A) 612.(C) 613.(A) 614.(A) 615.(A) 616. A red-hair boy is needed to play the part of Alfred in this new comedy. A B C D 617. Igneous rock ___ from the cooling and solidification of molten matter from the Earth's interior. (A) being originated (B) have originated (C) originates (D) originating 618. Considerably higher on the smoothed rock appear fourteen figures in precisely the same style like A B C D those at the Tuchte, Jum Sheed. 619. Almost every morning I receive cards inviting me to art exhibitions, and on the cards had been A B C D
  40. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology photographs of the works exhibited. 620. In the past decade an embarrassed number of monks have demonstrated that beneath their hairshirts A B beats a desire for something besides monastic self-denial. C D 621. The colonists who first settled in New England so did because they felt there was no social justice A B C in their homeland of England. D 622. Arteries with poor blood flow can leave the heart muscle starve for oxygen, a condition that often A B C leads to heart attack. D 623. In 1948, Harry Truman was re-elected the president of the united states to the surprise of all those A B C who had predicted his defeat. D 624. In 1870, the general attorney was made head of the Department of Justice, given an enlarged staff. A B C D 625. Columbus miscalculated the width of the Pacific Ocean and therefore made the unexpected discovery A B of the Americans where he expected to find India and China. C D 626. Major advertising companies have traditionally volunteered their time to publicize service accounts. A B C D 627. Scientists at the medical center are trying to determine that there is a relationship between A B C saccharine and cancer. D 628. Seldom have cactus plants found outside of North America. A B C D 629. In a recent survey of Americans, more than 75 percent expressed the view that a government should A B C take a more active role in health care. D Answer 616.(A) 617.(C) 618.(D) 619.(D) 620.(A) 621.(B) 622.(B) 623A) 624.(A) 625.(D) 626.(C) 627.(B) 628.(B) 629.(C) 630. The dangers of noise are, unfortunately, not as clear-cut as are those from other most health hazards. A B C D 631. Few economists believe that the quicker way to reduce the federal deficit is to place increased A B C restrictions on foreign imports. D 632. Although the audience was well informed, no one knew ___ he spoke. (A) which (B) that which (C) of which (D) of what 633. With its antlers ___ the feet of a duck, the North American moose is easy to identify. (A) web-like (B) like a web (C) webbed like (D) the webs like 634. When Darwin presented his explanation of how living things evolve, he challenged the belief that A B human beings have special, indeed unique place in the universe. C D 635. A century and more after his death, Poe is still among the most popular in America authors. A B C D 636. William Emerson died in 1811, when the boy was eight, left his window to face poverty and to A B
  41. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology educate their five sons. C D 637. Few men of letters have been more fully honored in their own day than T.S. Eliot, and even who A B strongly disagreed with him seemed content with his selection for the Nobel Prize. C D 638. Thanksgiving Day, a unique North American Holiday, is celebrated in the United states on the fourth A B C D Thursday in November. 639. A theory makes a series of simplifying assumption from which it deduces how people will behave. A B C D 640. A long life is not just the result of being good for the body and staring off disease. A B C D 641. Development refers to a process of change in growth and capability over time, with a function of A B C D both maturation and interaction with the environment. Answer. 630.(D) 631.(A) 632.(D) 633.(C) 634.(C) 635.(D) 636.(A) 637.(B) 638.(B) 639.(B) 640.(C) 641.(D) 642. The pharmacology is recent science, but it is closely connected with one of the oldest, the A B C giving of remedies to relieve disease. D 643. The puffer is a type of fish that can inflate one's body like a balloon. A B C D 644. The Louisiana Purchase, made in 1803, almost was doubled the size of the United States. A B C D 645. Thomas Malthus claimed that disease, war, famine, and ___ act as checks on population growth. A) moral restraining B) morally restrain C) by moral restraint D )moral restraint 646. ___ most brilliant Greek inventor was Archmedes , who lived about 2250 years ago. A) The B) One of the C) As the D) Of the 647. ___ around stones that are sun-warmed, even the smallest of stones creates tiny currents of warm air. A) The cool air B) If the air is cool C) That the air cools D) The cooler the air 648. The nitrogen make up over 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, the gaseous mass A B C surrounding the planet. D 649. The giant panda closely resembles the bear, but account of certain anatomical features it A B C is placed in the racoon family.
  42. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology D 650. Pharmacist fill drug prescriptions, keeping records of the drugs their patients are taking to A B make sure that harmful combinations are not prescribed. C D 651. With the incorporation of jazz history into current academic curricular, leading jazz A B C musicians are now founding on the faculties off several universities. D 652. In 1879, ___ , Alice Freeman Parmer became head of the history department at wellesley. A) twenty- four years B) at the age of twenty-four C) age twenty-four D) of twenty-four years 653. Knowledge of the rate at which a ship is travelling through the water is important if the A B C navigator need to estimate the time of arrival. D 654. The Texas Panhandle region, in the northwestern part of the State, produces more A B wheat, cotten, and grain sorghum than any of other area of Texas. C D * ANSWER 642.A 643.C 644.C 645.D 646.A 647.? 648.A 649.C 650.A 651.? 652.B 653.D 654.D 655. ___ not a single hard-surfaced road during the entire colonial period aside from city streets. A) It was B) There was C) It D) There were 656. ___ in 1776 that the declaration of independence was signed. A) It was B) There was C) There D) It 657. ___ more than 300,000 people in Philadelphia by the end of the colonial period, making it the largest city in the colonies. A) There was B) It was C) They were D )There were 658. In the eighteen century, ___ not many women who had access to formal education in the colonies. A) There were B) It was C) Were D) Were there 659. After the Revolution, although some advances were made in education ___ a slow process. A) they were B) it C) it was D) there was 660. ___ today was developed by the Swiss scientist Horace de Sassure around 1773.
  43. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology A) Mountaineering it as we know B) Mountaineering as we know C) We know mountaineering is D) We know there is mountaineering 661. The marathon, first staged in 1896, ___ the legendary feat of a Greek soldier who carried news of victory from the battlefield at Marathon to Athens. A) was commemorated B) commemorated C) commemorates D) commemorating 662. The Olympic torch ___ throughout the Games and is then extinguished at the closing ceremony. A) burning B) is burned C) burned D) burns 663. Seahorses spend much of their time clung with their tails to underwater plants. A B C D 664. Some fish ___ distortions of electrical field through special receptors. A) sense B) sense are C) sensing D) senses 665. Mount St. Helens exploded in an eruption with the energy equivalent to 10 million tons A B C D TNT. 666. Plague and famine can be results in social problems within a community. A B C D 667. Konrad 2.Lorenz developed a new approach based on the idea that an animal's behavior is determined by its struggle for survival and is therefore the product of adaptive evolution, A B just as animal's physical features. C D * ANSWER 655.B 656.A 657.D 658.A 659.C 660.B 661.B 662.D 663.C 664.A 665.B 666.C 667.D 668. Among the most important jazz innovators in the 20th century is Louis Amstrong, A B C D Fletcher Handerson, Duke Ellington, and Dizzy Gillespie. 669. In 1882 Schuyler Skwats Wheeler invented the fan electrize, a propeller driven by a motor. A B C D 670. Natural adhesives are primarily of animals or vegetable origin. A B C D 671. Only rarely ___ neuroses leave a person unable to function in everyday situations. A) had B) are C) do D) that 672. Linoleum is a trade name for the waterproof floors covering most often used in kitchens. A B C D
  44. Nguyễn Quang Tú KSTN-Silicat-K47 Hanoi Uniersity of Technology 673. The common field mouse is about four inches long and has a three-inched tail. A B C D 674. Perhaps was his own lack of proper schooling that led Horace Mann to struggle for A B C the important reforms in education. D 675. Latent learning is the association of indifferent stimuli or situations with one the other A B C D without reward. 676. Tooth decay is the most common disease of humanities. A B C D 677. A soluble substance alkali reacts with acids to do salts. A B C D 678.A great aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart was already famous when she sets out on her A B C ill-fated attempt to circle the globe in 1937. D 679. Plants range in size to tiny, single-celled, blue-green algae, invisible to the naked eyes, A B C to giant sequoias, the largest living plants. D 680. During the 1940's science and engineering had an impact on the way music reach its A B audience and even influenced the way in which it was composed. C D * ANSWER 668.D 669.B 670.C 671.C 672.B 673.D 674.A 675.D 676.D 677.D 678.C 679.B 680.B? 681. The time has long since passed when inspired amateur working with simple tools come A B up with finding of genuine scientific importance. C D 682. It was upsetting to Tim to find his classmates responding so sarcastic to his presentation, A B on which he had worked diligently and seriously for days. C D 683. The reviewer declared how there was a dearth of serious books being published on A B C D issues of social importance. 684. Most animals cannot recognize their reflection in a mirror themselves; they usually A B react as if confronted by another member of their species. C D 685. Great salt is fed by fresh-water stems, ___ is about four to five times as salty as the ocean. A) yet B) which C) there D) despite 686. In Williamsburg, the capital of virginia until 1780, people conducted themself much like A B C D the gentry in London.