Chương trình ôn thi liên thông dại học môn Nguyên lí kế toán

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Nội dung text: Chương trình ôn thi liên thông dại học môn Nguyên lí kế toán

  1. v ( 4 rRUdNGDArHecLAcHdNc cHtI1NorRiNH 0N THtr/eN qH)NGDAr HQC ;:- tuON:NGUYEN L.i'Kf, ToAN T,{OIDUNC OTt TAP 1. xsfrxc rrfx rHCccd sAx cirerd roAx 1.1 Khdi niQmkC'torin t.2 PhAnloqi kC'todn 1.3 pO'ittf{ng nghi€ncd'u cria kri todn 1.4 Bringcf,n ddi kd todn z. c0xc cUcira ri roAx 2.1 Tii khoin 2.2 Nguy€ntdc ghi ch6pvio tii khoin 2.3 Ghi sdf6p 2.4 Dinh khofrn az 3. NHITNGNGHIOP vU KE ToAN Cd TAx 3.1 Tfnh gi6 cric rtdi ttrqngkd to6n 3.2 Kd todn qud trinh td chri'csin xu6't 3.3 Kd todn qud trinh ti€u thu BArrAp 0x rAp Loai l: Bdi ffip vd tim hidu cdc d61ttong kA'todn Bdi tdp I o Tai mqt doanhnghiQp sin xudtc6 tii lieu vio ngdy31/12120A7 (dvt: 1.000d) 1. Tii s6ncddinh hfruhinh: 410.000 2. Nguy0nvdt liQu: 75.000 3. COngcu, dung cU: 5.000 4. Thinh phdm: 25.000
  2. 5. Tidnm4t: 15'000 6. Tidn giri ngdnhing: X 7. NQngr/di brin: Y 8. Loi nhuQnchrra phdn Phdi: 20.000 9. Ngudnvdn kinhdoanh: 500'000 10.Phrldng ti6-n vQn t6i: 300'000 : 11. Qu! khenthtldng phric lQi: 30'000 l2.Yay ngdnhan ngdn hing: 300.000 : 13.Ngudi mua nd: 25.000 14.Hdng giri di br{n: 20.000 YOucdu: l. Xdcdinh X, Y. BiCirhng: Y = 2X 2. LApbing cAnddi kdtorin ngdy3111212\06 Bdi a6o2: C6 tai lieutai thdididm thinh l{p doanhnghiQp nhu sau: o Thdng0712005: - OngNhdn b6 ra sdvdn bandAu bXng tidn grli ngAnhdng li 200triQu il6ng' - Dd c6 th€mvdn, ong ph6ivay them kh6an vdn ngdn han cria ngAn hdng 50 triQuddng dd chuydnvdo tii kh6anngAn hing. - MOrngLrdi ban cria 6ng g6p rh€mvdn bing mQthQ thdng m6y m6c thidt bi tri gi6 100 tri6uel6ng. a Thdng08i2005: - 6ng nit ti6n tt ngAnhdng vd qu! tidn m4t la 30 triQuddng. - Dd c6 thd sdnxudt, Ong dd tidn hinh mua vd nhdpkho mQtsd v{t liQutri gi6 50 triQu ttdngthanh todn blng d6ngfri ngdn hing. 4 ThdngO9/20O5: - Ongnh4n drJdc sdti6n rlngtrrJdc cia ngrldimua v6 sdhangs€ giaotrong thring 0l/2006 li 70trieu ddng bhng tidn mdt. - Dd hdanthinh clond4t hdng,$ng dd muath€m m6t sd vAtligu hh4pkho tri gi5 50 tri€u d6ng,thanh todn 50Va blng tidn mdtsd cdn lai chdathanh toi{n. Y€u cdu:
  3. n t. Lgp Bing cAn ddi kd toiin (Bringc6n ddi tdi sin) vdo ngiy 3uO'ltlOOS,3ltO8t2OO5. 30/09t2005. 2. Xiic dinh gi6 tri tii sdncfia doanh nghiEp tai 3 thdi didm tr€n. Loai 2: '-. lo r]rota Lpai 3: Bdi tQp vd tinh gid cdc ddi ttong kA'todn Bii t6p 3: Tlnhhinh tai kho vQtli€u A trorrgthdng 05 nhdsau: - t6n dduthaing: 7.000 kg x 40.000tllkg. ' Tinh hinhnhflp xudt kho vflt li6,utrong th6ng: l. Ngny 03/05,nh{p kho 3.000kg vQtliQu A, gid muafi6n h6a ddn la 40.000<t/kg, chi phi v{n chuydnb6'c dd l} 600.000d. 2. Ngdy05/05, xu6't kho 6.000kg v{t liQuR dd sr?dung cho s6n xud't sdn phdm. 3. Ngny 10/05,nhfp kho 4.000kg v4t lieu A, giri muachrra thudte 40.100d/kg, chi phi vAnchuydn b6c dd 2.000.000d, khoin gi6mgiri dugc hudng le 400.000d. 4. Ngdy l4l05 xuA'tkho 3.000kg vAtliQu A dd srldung cho sin xu6'tsiln phdm. 5. Ngiy l5l05 nhd-pkho 6.000kg vAt liQuA, giii muachua thudrren h6a ddn ld 40.100 d/kg,chi phi vflnchuydn bdc dd ln 1.200.000d. 6. Ngny20105 xudt kho 7.000kg v{t liQuA ddphucvu chosin xu6'tsin phdm. Bi€i rlng: doanhnghiQp hach toiin hing tdn kho theophrrong phrip kO khai rhrrdngxuy6n, nQpthud GTGT theo phrlongph6p khdu trr}. Ydu c6'u: l. Tinh toiingid tri vft liQuA nh{p - xudtkho trongthdng 05 trongc6c tntdng hQp: a. DoanhnghiQp tinh giri xudt kho theophuong phr{p nhAp tntdc - xuA'ttnJdc b. Doanhnghi6p tinh gir{ xuit kho theophddng ph6p nhQp sau - xu6'trntdc c. DoanhnghiOp tinh giri xudt kho theo phrJdngph6p binh qudn gia quydnli€n hoin d. DoanhnghiQp tinh giri xudt kho theo phuongphrip binh quAngia quydncudi thring 2. Xdc dinhgi6 tri vat leu A cdntdn cu6'i thdng 05. 3
  4. Bdi t6o 4: Tai mQtdoanh nghiQp c6 cdctii liQusau: Vit ligu t6n kho dduthdng: - Vat neu chinh:200 kg, DG: 10.000d/lsg - Vat IQu phs: 100kg, DG: 6.000<t/kg Tinh hinhnh$p xudt trong thang: l. Ngny08, muavat li€u chinhnh4p kho, gid muachda tnud t0.000 d/kg, thudGTGT 10%,sd lugng300 kg, ti€nchrla tri chongrldi brin. 2. Chi ti6n m4ttri chi phi vQnchuydn v4t li€u chinhli 60.000d. 3. Mua v4t liQuphu nh$p kho. giri mua chda thu€'le 6.000 d/kg, thud GTGT l\Vo, s6 lugng200 kg, chi phi vQnchuydn 20.000 d, tA'tcd thanhtorin blng ti€n m4t. 4. XudtvStliQu ding tr\rctidp sin xudt:vit liQuchinh 400 kg, v4t li€u phu 100kg. 5. Mua vat lieu nh{p kho: vat li€u chinh200 kg, gi5 muachrra thud I1.000cllkg' v4t lieu phq200 kg, gid muachua thud6.500 ttlkg, thudGTGT lOVo.TA't ci chrratra tidn ngrrdi b6n. 6. Xudi vit li€u ding chotr{c tidp sin xu6't:v4t li€u chinh200 kg, vit liQuphU 50 kg Ydu cdu:X6c dinhgid tri xut'tkho vAtliQu trong cric trudng hgp: a. DoanhnghiQp tinh gid xu6'tkho theo phrrong phdp nhQp trrldc - xudttntdc b. DoanhnghiQp tinh gi6 xui't kho theophudng phdp nhQp sau - xudttnrdc c. DoanhnghiQp tinh giri xudt kho theo phuongphr{p binh quAngia quydn li€n hoin d. Doanh nghiQptinh gi6 xuA'tkho theo phtrongphrip binh quan gia quydn cudi thiing tdns lt todn tai cdc doanh Bdi t6o 5: Tai mOtdoanh nghiQp s6n xut't hach to6n hlng t6n kho theophuong phdp k€ khai thrldng xuy€n,nQp thudCTGT theo phudng phdp khA'u trt. Trongth6ng 05 c6 tei lieu sau:(dvt: 1.000d) sdorrdduthdne cta TK 154:1.500 Tinh hinh phiit sinh trong thilng: l. Xu6't kho vflt li€u sfi dqng cho trdc tidp srin xudt sin phdm 42.000,phuc vu 6 phdn xrrEngsin xu6't4.000. 2. Doanh nghi6-pmua mQt sdv{t li€u chrlathanh to6n, giii mua 165.000,thudGTGT lOVo. 3. Vay ngdn han ng6n hing tri nd cho ngudi b6n 40.000. 4
  5. )(, 4. Ti6n hldngph6i thanhto6n cho c6ngnhAn tnlc ddp sin xudt 9.000,nhAn vi€n phin xrrdng2.000.- 5. TrichBHXH, BHYT, KPCEtheo tj lQquy dfnh. 6. DoanhnghiQp drrgc cAp TSCD hfru hinh tri gi6 80.000. 7. Trichkhd'u hao TSCD trong thring cho phdn xdEng siin xudt 6.000. 8.RtittidngiringAnhingvdqu!tidnm4tiIdchilongtrongthringl3.000 '. g. Ding ti6n m5t thanhtodn lrtongcho c6ng nhAnvi€n sau khi khdu trU phdn nQp BHXH,BHYT. 10. Trongthdng hoin thAnh1.000 sp nh{p kiro.Bidt chi phi sin xu6'tdd dangcudi thdng la 590. 11. Xudt kho bi{ntnfc tidp 300sin phdmcho c6ngty A, gi6 bdn chdathudli 75 ngAn ddng/sp,thudGTGT ljvo,ch*a thanhto6n. ^ Yeu cau: I . Dinh khoin cilc nghiQp vu kinh td ph6t sinh 2. Phin dnhtinh hinh tr6n vio c6ctii khoin 621,622,627,154. 3. Tinh tdnggi6 thAnhvi girithinh donvi sin phdm 4. XAc dinh kdt qui kinh doanhtrong ky bidt rXng:chi phi bdn hdngphdt sinh trongkj' la 5.000,chi phi qu6n111 doanh nghiQp li 7.000. Bdi tdp 6: C6 tii liQuvd tinh hinhhoat dQng kinh doanhtai mQtdoanh nghiep ftong thdng 03 nhusau: l. DoanhnghiQp thu ciickhoiin phrii thu khric bXng ti6n m{t 1.000.000 d. 2. DoanhnghiQp ding tidn gfi ngAnhing nQpthudnhd nddc 5.000.000 d. 3. DoanhnghiQp ding tidn m{t tri cdckhodn phdi tri kh6c2.000.000 d. 4. XuA't kho bdn trdc tidp sd heng h6a, gir{ xuA'tkho 30.000.000tl, gi6 brin chua thud 55.000.000d, rhudGTGTlOTo,l<hdch hing chrlathanh toiin. 5. DoanhnghiQp drrgc ca'p 1 tei srinc6'dinh hfru hinh tri gi6 15.000.000d. 6; Tidn lrrongphdi tri cho nh6nvi€n brinhdng 1.000.000 d, nhAnvi6n qudnli doanhnghiQp 2.000.000d. 7. DoanhnghiQp dtng tidn md-tmua mQt sd c6ng cq tri giri 1.000.000d. 8. DoanhnghiQp drrgc ngrrdi mua tri ng bhngddn m{t 5.000.000d, bdngtidn gr?ingin hing 10.000.000d.
  6. 9. Xudt kho hhngh6a rri giri 3.000,000d b6ncho khrichhing. Gir{b6n chuathud5.000.000 d, thud GTGT 107o,doanh nghiep dd nhQndr.lQc ti6n gfri ngdn hing cria kh6chhing chuydntr6. 10.Chiphi dien,nddc, di€n thoaiding choho4t dQng brin hAng la 500.000tt, ho4tdQng qu6n l!'doanhnghiQp 1.000.000 d. Bidt ring: doanhnghiQp thudc ddi tugngnqp thud GTGT theo phr/ong phrip khd'u rn. Y€ucdu: l. Dinh kho6nciic nghiQp vg kinhtdphdt sinhtrong th6ng 03. 2. Phrln6nh vio sodd tii khodn632, 641,642' 911' 133, 3331 3. X6c dinh kdt qui kinh doanhtrong thdng 03 Bdi tdp 7:- Trong rh6ngOll2OOi c6 tii ligu vd hoatdQng kinh doanhtai mQtdoanh nghiQp nhU sau: (dvt: 1.000d) L Doanhnghi€p mua mot sdhing h6and ngrldib6n 550.000, trong d6 thudGTGT 107o. 2. DoanhnghiQp thu ciickhoin phii thu khricbhng tidn mat 5'000. 3. DoanhnghiQp dirng tidn gfri ngdn hing trdnct ng6n s6ch 10 000. 4. DoanhnghiQp tr6 chi phi v{n chuydn,bdc xdp hdngh6a mua bhngtidn m4t 2.200,trong d6 rhudGTCT 200 5. DoanhnghiQp vay ngdnhan ngAn hdng tri nd chongddi brin 300.000 6. Ding ti6n m4tmua c6ng cg 5.000 7. Tii sin thiduchd xrl lf doanhnghiQp giii quy€tblng cdchtrrl hrdngc6ng nhdn vi€n 5.000 8. Doanh nghiQpb6n moat sd hdng h6a c6 gia tri xuA'tkho 400'000, gi6 bdn chda thud 480.000,thue-GTGT lOVa, ngndi mua nh{n hdngt?i k}rocria doanhnghiQp nhr-tng chrla thanhtoiin. 9. Chi phi bdc r'6chdng h6a clem biin thanh toiin bhng ti6n mirt2.000 10.Khrich hing thanhto6n tidn mua hing h6ad NV8 bing tidnmit t/:,sd cdn lai nd. I 1.Ti6n lrrongphli trd chonh6n vi6n qurin l! doanhnghiQp 1.000, nhAn vi€n 6 b0 phandeu thu8.000. l2.TrichBHXH, BHY'I',KPCD theo t! lQquy dinh 13.Doanh nghiQp drrQc ngrldi mua tri no 20.000,doanh nghidp chuydn tra nd vay ngdnhan. (
  7. F 14.Xu6't kho sdsrin phdm gr?i brin, giri xudtkho 15.000,gi6 giri brin20.000, rhud crGT l0%. DoanhnghiQp chua nhdn ddqc hdi b6ocria khdch hing 15.DoanhnghiQp nh{n drrgctrdi b6o ddng ! muahing dd xua'tkho d NV14,ooanh nltriqp da nh6nrlrrgc tidn gr?ingdn hing chuydnthanh todn. l6.Chuydnddn mdt thanhtoiin hldngcho nhdnvi€n saukhi kh6'utri khorinbrio hidm phii n6p trongthiing. Yducdu: I . Dinh khoin ciicnghidp vu kinhtd phritsinh trong rh6ng. 2. Phdniinh tinh hinh tr€n vAoTK 632,641, 642, gt | . 3. Kdt chuydndoanh thu, chi phi phritsinh trong thring dd xr{cdinh kdt qui kinh doanh. Biet ring doanhnghidp thuQc ddi trJdngchiu thudGTGT rheo phudng phrip kh6'u trrl *
  8. FLC.TEICz DESOl PAPER1: READING COMPREHENSION Section A: Choosethe wordor phrasewhiclr bestcompleles euch sentence.Cross' your choice. I . Nobodyhas done this before. A. any B. nclt C.never ( Dr ever \-/ 2. He went to the butthey didn't have all\/ '.' ' l^ t - A. chernist's- steak B. baker's- wine 1C.butcher's steak D. butcher's bread 3. The depthof theSuezCanal is about 10 tlleters. A. usual B. habittrll i L. 0\'er?$e D, popular 4. He's intelligentthanhis sisteg. f, A. Iesser tB.rnruch less C. nruchferver n not so \_-, 5. FIeotd"t.d thent it again. A. don'tdo B. not dtl C. didn'tdo rlnot to do 6. Sheis akind sirl thatevervbodyloves ltcr. A. st-l t B: such C. very D. too \ l 7. These team hAven't an1' goals. '', A. recot'decl B. registcretl C. made D.,scored \l 8. You will see hint when he .herettllttot'ror'l'. A. will conte B. hasconle C. to come 1\'' J D.1col11€s 9. \,oLlStLitll' Il,it-ticr-. \'()Ll \\'(lll't paSS thC cX;.llllinetitltl. A. Urtless B. BecllLlse C. 11' D. ln orderthat yours'/ 10. I lel't my pett ettholtre I borrorv a- \\ B. Will i C.Mav D. Do A. Shall \_-/ 11. I thelltr)ne ), frtlttrhirn 1'e1. ha'u,en'treceivecl B. dort'treceive C. will receive D.anl receiving @l 12. Canvou tell nle the 1'orOxl'ord'i , - r B. phtltre C. clirectorl' code VXtepartment\_/ ^ g 13.These vegetablesdon't taste to me. A. well B deliciously C. freshly ( b. fresh \ l 14. Airplanes andlarttl evcl'\' tnittt-tLe. A. f1yup (B.,take ot'l' C. get uP D. get off 15.Briitn wantstrt be a solclier,buI Mdislikcs u'caritlg uttilirrtri a suit D. a custc)il) A. clothes C. 16.We aren't rich cltougirto eve11'rvherelr1'tiixi. A. arrive B. ntttvc travcl D. drive 17.The shipwas arourtd thei\4editerl^illlcLtlt Sea. A. running Il. sitrkirru C. flf ing ( D 'sarling voicc .'l \-/ 18.He's sohe can'theat'\'c)tlr ".^ iA.! B.trlintl A[r"\'"' C.dunrb D. mute 19.Th;tare man\'I for Iteu' inttttisrattts in Australia. A. offices B. toilets C. uniforms Q no,,",, 20. I want to atable at the SavovHotel. A. mairrtain (. Br)resci'rc C. rnanagc D. ailow r TL A - 2008 8
  9. P FLC-TEIC2 Section B: Read the passagecarefully and then choosethe best answer to questionsbelow. Ted Robinsonhas been worried all the week. Last Tuesdayhe receivecia letter from the local police.In the letterhe was askedto call at thc station.Ted wonderedwhy he was wantedby the police, but he rventto the stationyesterday ancl now he is no worried any more. At the station he was told by a smiling policenranthat his bicycle had been found. Five days agosthe policemarrtold him, the bicyclewas picked up in a smallvillage four hundredmiles away. It is now being sentto his homeby train.Ted was mostsurprised when he heardthe news.He was arnusedtoo, becausehe never expectedthe bicycleto be found. It was stolentwenty y-earsago when Ted wasa bov of fifteen. 21.Ted wasworried because t'' (A.)he receiveda letter Bl fr. went to the police station yesterclay C. the police would cittchhim D. he didn'I knolv why the police warttedhim 22. The policemanwho talkeclto Ted was /t: , (9 pl"usantVuul v t' B. rvorried C. surprised D. small 23.Why wasTed very surprisedwhen he heirrdthe news. A. Becausehis bicycle was stolen 20 \'earsago. Becausehis bicycleyas toundwhen he wasa boy of tlfteen. .B. ' c / ,vt'" @."necause he thouffithS'iilouldnever finrj th" bicycle. D. Becausethe bicyclewas sentto hint by train. 'fed's l-1. \\'itclt \\'us bicy'clet'i-ruttd'l A. last Tuesclay claysog.fd,r{ C. twenty yeirrs ago D. yesterday @.,fi"" 25.which of thefollowing G-'"Ery,Jl3qiFr9-Jr-,*, : (!The/a\m, policeasked Ted to go to theit'station. B. Tl-repolicernan tolcl Ted the goodnews five daysago. C. Teciis no longerartxious. D. Ted is 35 vearsold now PAPEIT2: USEOF I'NGI,ISH .\ND WITITING SectionA: Fill each oJ'thenumbercd blunks in thefollowing passctgeby o word chosenfrom the list. UseONLY ONE word in eachspace. They (26).$n shopping Nam and Ba Areat the f1gl_eschool. often togetherat the new departnrentstore. 1u *1 Last Sunclay,as they both neecleclsome new things.,Narnancl B a (}l$1ffiF,tnere together.(28) C.ri theway, they urettheir triendLan. (29) Sf.-{-.,was going home. He hadjust boughta new schoolbasflt"the department store. g*Ubfas clellJed d"\ (30)S.ikii p"ople.Thcy were .j!", buying (3l) . Cr { tooking at the thingson sale. IlQc-curr-<* First,Nanr and Ba went to the Ready-MadeClothes Departrnent (32) :#:#amwa.nted a new shirt.There were manyshirts (33) .l!l1 , aillerent beautiful colburs. HelUA(34) Qllfgsqpgof the shirtsof his size.Ar Iast,he chosea black one becauseit fiueclrti- vlif' L.rr ?1t3)\J", 14iiiili l.1 &:t onrtl1ti lntUr '[L A - 2008 I
  10. FLC.TEIC2 After he hadtaken the shirt,he went with Ba trol Ai- " trreShoe Department' Leather sohe wantedto shoesand san<Jals of varioussizes were (3J,] tt=!Cle' Ba hadlost his sandals' buy a new pair.T[9_9a!qirga+{38) .g{q")J :fii;tri pair of real goodquality leather.,Thg-sanlals boysa long(404g&,!giuy lookedjust right andea tfSihs$qifrhenr.! ,.!idno! take the two tl1__!-1gs.They went home happill'. from SectionB: Make all changesand additionsnecessary to'produce complete sentences the following setsof u'ords and phrases. PAPER3: LIS'IENlNGCOMI'ITEHENSION PART I: Listenand fill in the blanks Mr RObinst'lttnever rvettt ttl a detltist, becttusehe wzls (1) but then his teeth began hurting a lot, anclhe went Lo a derttist.The tlelttistdid a lot of work in his (2) fora long tinre. On the last clay Mr Robinsollsaitl to hinr, "How much is all this u,ork going ttr (3) .?" The dentistsaid, "Trventy-fivepout)dS," buI he did not askhim for the money. 'You Atier a month Mr Robinsott(4) thcderttist artd said. haven'tasked nre for an1' "Ol)" "l a gentlelltan money for 1,our(5) .lastnrouth." the dentistansrvered. neverask tor money." "Then how do you (6) 'l'Mr Robinson asked' "Most gentlernenpay nie (7) . " the dentistsaid, "but some don't. I wait tbr my money for two nronths,antl then I (8) . - - - , "'I'hat man isn't gentleman' " and then I ask him fbr my rnoney. tg t6 TLA-200t1
  11. )o FLC-TEIC2 PART II: Circle the correct lettersaccording to lvhat you hear.There may be 2 correct lettersfor eachnumber 1. A. hot 4. A. smoggy B. warm B. foggy C. cclol C. sunny D. cold D. cloudy 2. A. hot 5. A. hot andsmoggy B.'*'arttt B. warm andcloudy C. cool C. cooland windy D. cold D. coldand raining 3. A. windy B. smctggy C. raining D. cloudy DESO2 PAPEIT1: READINGCOMPREHENSION SectiortA: Choosethe wordwhich best completes these sentences. Cross the letter. 1.He is hisclriving test toclav. A. exanrining B. taking C. answering D. holding 2. Sheneeds a pairof shoes. A. skin B. feather C. leather D. complexion 3. Most of the studentsare to pass the e.ratnination. A. goodenough B. enoughgoocl C. too good D. so good 4.I thisshirt from rny brother. A. gave B. sold C. lent D. borrowed 5. He is collectingcoins and he hasa va1uab1e ofrarecoins. A. number B. collection C. packet D. pile 6. He likeshis job andhe's very good hisjob. A. at B. rvith C. tor D. to 1. A car crashed a security van. A. on B. into C. in D. with 8. I'll haveto getthe brakes A. test B. to test C. testins D. tested 9. She'sbeen saving fro two years.She $2,000. A. hassaved IJ.saves C. saved D. hasbeen saving 10.Could you tell me horvrnuch .a mouth? A. doesyour husbandearn C. yourhusband earns B. did your husbandearn D. will yourhusband earn I l. Sheasked me if I A. canhelp her C. couldhelp her'/ B. couldhelp her D. will helpher TL A - 2008 4t
  12. FLC.TEICz 12.His photograph on television. A. is showing B. showed C. wasshown D. wasshowing 13.The studentsha'u'e got news about their exams. A. many B. somegood C. a D. a few 14.You haven'tmet eachother. ? A. haveyou B. do you C. did you t). will yott 15.Sorry, John is out.Do you witntto a rnessage? A. take B. leave C. have D. get 16.I am sorrysir, I don't toany political party A. join B. attend C. go D. belong 17."Who brokethat glass?" " A. It'sme B. I have c. r did D. I was 18.If the weather .fine tomorrow,we'll gtl on a picnic. A. will be B. is C. is going D. hasbeen 19.I wish I him,but I don't A. am liking B. like C. liked D. will like 20.The boss him, sohe losthis job. A. threatenedB. shot C. hit D. flred Section Bz Redding this passageand then clrcosethe best answer to the question below. Well, I usually ger to the oftice by ubout nine. I always mean to get there earlier, but I never quite manage it. On a normal day, I work until about llve. But if we have an important meeting - and that's oirceor twice a month - I work later, until sevenor eight at night. I getr30days holiday a year,so l'rn r,cryIucky. I usuallytry to take a longholiday in the summer, you know, three or fbur weeks.TIren I like to travel away and see somethingdifl'erent. And I always take a week in February. I go skiing then. Unfortunately, I don't have tirne to exercise during the week, although if the rveather'snice. I go for a walk at lunchtime. But I cycle or play tennismost rveekends.And in the winter I go skiing. I go to an Italian courseonce a week alier work. The other eveningsI meet friends.We go to the cinema,or to a bar or restaurant. Well, I don'tsmoke, but I do drink a lot of coil'ee.I think I'm a very calm person.I don't worry and I don't get angryvery easily.Do I everthink of changingmy job? Well, I don't thinl< I'll stay hete lor ever, but I'r'nquite happy at the moment. 21. I often finishmy work at A. seven B. nine C. llve D. eight 22. In summelI ol'ten. A. go skiing B. haveintportant rneetings C. cycleor play tennis D. take a longholiday 23. I learn Italian A. at lunchtime B. every eveningafter work C. in the sumnlercourse D. one tirnea week 24. I ant a person. A. pessimistic B. optiniistic C. cruel D. kind-hearted 25. I A. don't like my job and war)tto changcit. - 1z TL A 2oor 4a.,
  13. Y FLC.TEICz B. satisfywith my job anddon't want to changeit. C. love my job now buy rnaychange it in the future. D. dislikemy job but I haveto work to earnmy living. PAPER 2: USE OF ENGLISH AND WRITING Section A: Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage.Use only ONE word in each space. t LastMonday William Murphy saw a wallet(26) a lonely street (27) Montrea1. He picked (28) upand found a ticket inside.He noticedthe numberon the (29) .and imnrediatelyknew (30) was the winningticket (31) .a lottery.The prrze(32) 7 nrilliondollars ! Murphy did not collect the huge prrr.e,holever. He (33) rheticket back to (34) : owner,Mr Dupont. YesterclayMr. Dupont got the prize and at fl3l .gave Murphy a milliondollars (36) .a reward. "I havenever (31) .a lotterybefore. " I{e (38) .thereporters. "Now I (39) .richand I (40) to rervard honestly. " SectiottB: Usethe suggestedwords ancl phruses to write a contpletesentence. 41. Things/change/ London/ sinc:e/ )'ou/ girl. 42. Hel .sell,/bicycle/ $50 43;"; i;;";i *"",";;,.; ;;.,, ",n :, : +,s,r,r;,; ;;;;;;;;.";;",),rr;.; 46. Whcnl Il your agelI/ used/talk/ father/respecr. +i u*;;;i ;";;;;;, ,'";i,.""",, i";;;; 48. She/one/ daushter/rvork/ us. +,,)i. itr;'.;; ;;;; .;";;. 50. Bus/crowded/ passengers. TL A - 2008 f3fi
  14. FLC.TEICz PAPIIR3: LISTENINGOCMPREHENSION PART I: Listen and 11llin the blanks a very (2) he Georgeis a ( 1) man.He does not have a wife' but he has " " ""'dog-and played tennisfor an hour at has a very small car too. He likes playing tennis' Last Monday he came afterhirn' but it his (3) , andthen he (4) ' "an'l jumped into a car' His dog diclnot jump into the (5) .car;it junrped into the next one' otheicar' "Come here,(6) dog!" Georgeshouted at it but the dog stayedin the (8) he looked George pur his key into the (7) of the car, but the key did not "" """ ""'Thert dog was in the (9) ar the car again. It was not his! He was in the.wrong car! And the (10) then he , , one! "He's sitting and Iaughingat me!" George said "" """ "But smile<land got into hiscar with the dog. with the correct PART II: Listen to these sentencesfrom a short story. complete them prepositioh l. He sincs the choir ' church 2. They rr:reet Wednesday. 3. They practice 8:00 10:00 :1. He sings lhe 9:00 service 5. Shegives time Mondlynight. 6. Shevolunteers 8:00 . 12:00 7. Sheworks the library. hcr daughter's school' 8. He works a soup kitchen his house' 9. Shevolunteers a nursing holnc. 10.She goes thcre Friday afternoons t DEso3 PAPEn I: ItIiADING COMPREHENSION eaclt Section A: In tlis sectiortyort nutst chcose the word or phrase which best completes sentence. Cro.ssJ*our choice. 1. I walted tc-rtell you about the good llews Lrut)'ou didn't gi'n'eIne a A. time B. seconcl C. chance D' word 2. Fish don't noiseas otl'Ier pe ts do. A. sgund B. gg lgt c. rnake D. giye 3. On the wal,the bus stoppedto pick up a A. custgllter B. riclcr C. pedestrian D. passenger 4. I have tr) weight.I'm too fat. A. dr<tp B. gain (1.loose D' lose 5. Televisiott .bt'John Baird. A. was ciiscovered B. discoveredC. rvasinvented D. irtvented 6. The clerk haclto thecol)\'ersation in ordcr tclwait on a customer. A. ipterrupt B. ct-rtttinue C. begin D. hurry TL A - 2008 4q 1U
  15. P F-LC-TETCz 7. Thereare tourists in London this year thanlast year. A. littler B. smaller C. lesser D. tewer 8. He's ,sohe can'thear your voice. A. blind B. blond C. deaf D. died 9. I've lookedfor my pen,but I can'ttlnd it A. evervwhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. somewhere 10.My father goes to bed beloremidnight. A. little B. mostly C. fairly D. hardly I l. He hasbeen living in thesame tor over l0 years. A. neighbour B. grouncl C. earth D. district 12.Don't aboutyour nrother's sickness. A. worry B. sad C. sorry D. afraid 13.Whose book is this'lIt's not A. rry one B. of me C. me D. mine- 14.The threetriends all forthe sanre job. A. requested B. applied C. intenclecl D. referred 15.Be ! The baby'ssleeping. A. quietly B. cluiet C. quite D. silence 16.She can't marry your brother .sheloves him. A. thought B. so C. clespite D. because 17.Dr Clark,, 1 hadn't seen before, enr.ere:cl the room. A. whom B. rvho C. whose D. that 18.Mr Greenlives far his office. A. an,av B. ol'f C. f'ronr D. w'itlr 19.It rainedwhile we well. A. .slept lJ.were sleeping C. haveslept D. hadslept 20.They ha'e beenin iovewith oneanother Iggz. A. in B. on C. fbr D. since SectionI|: In this sectionyou will find after the passageJive questions,each with four suggesteclanswers. You must chooseon which you think Jitsbest. circle your choice. Aeroplanes are slowly drivingme ntacl.I live nearan airportancl passing planes can be hearcl night and day. The airport was built cluringthe war, but for some reasonit could not be usecl then. Lastyear, howei'er, i[ camcinto use.Over a hunclreclpeople must have been driven away from their homesby the noise.I anr one of the few people left. SometimesI think my house will be knockeddown by a passingplrne. I have been ofterecla large sum of money to go away,but I am determinedto stayhere. Evervbodl, says I mustbe macland they areprobably. 21.The writerrs A. drivingme ro rheairport B. passingsonle airplanes - C. goingto be mad D. knockeddorvn by a passingplane 22. The airporthas A. beenused since the war B. neverbeen used TL A - 2008 (5 $T
  16. FLC.TBIC2 C. beenused sitrce last Year D. beenbuilt sincelast Year 23. If the writer movesaway, he will . . A. like the noiseof passingplanes B. be given a lot of rnoneY C. becomemad D. conteto staYhere 24. Which of rhe fbllowing statementsis not true'l A. The peopleliving nearthe airportcan hearpassing planes night and day B. A t'ew people leli their homesbecause of the great noise C. The writerhas refused to leavehis house D. The writeris saidto be mad 25. The word "driving" in the firstselltence (tl the passagemeans "' A. running B. giving C. causing D carrying PAPEIT2: USE OF ENGLISH AND WRITING Section A: Passagefo5 GaP'I'ill Oxfbrd is one oi the mostbeautiful cities ol England,and (26) ' - university is the oldestin the(27) Every)'earhundreds(28) youngpeoplecon]euptoOxfbrd(29) schoolro spend three or litur years il! the university, and they never fbrget their time (30) People(31) conreliorn orhercountrie s like t() visit,oxfbrd (32) theyare in Englantl,(33) i1 hasniany interestiug buildings. (34) you go to oxfbrd, you will see the colleges,the old churches,and the crowds (35) people, cars and bicycles in the busy High street,the (36) inportantstreet in Oxford' If you (37) you can take a boat (38) rheriver (39) thesunshine. You will enjoy your visit to this (40) cityvery much. Section llz IJselhe lollowing selsof words ttntl phrases to write complele Sentences. 41 . weatheT/so bad/ qo/ work. 43. children/u'atching/ teler isiort/ tooltr' 44. car/managcr/ drivirrg/ cxpensive. zl( rrn'r/.ar,-il h,r,rlr/ r,at'/ lLuu, vv\,lv J\!. 46.Tom/ better/ students/ class. 47. questions/can/ auswer/ by/ fiiends. (€ TLA-2008 6
  17. -P FLC.TETC2 48.mother/ used/ getting / earlyl morning. 49.U not see/doctor/ last Sundav. 50.We/ enjoy/listen/ pop music. PAPER THREE: LISTENING OCMPREHENSION FIRST PART: Listen and fill in the blanks Jimrnylives in Londonand he (l) swirnminga few monthsago.He likesswimming, and he often goesto the swimming-poolnear his housewith his motherand swirnsthere for an (2) ortwo. He was six years old last week, and his mother said, "You swim (3) .well now, Jimmy, but you've never seen the sea,have you'?Your fatherand I are going to (4) youthere on Sunday,and you're going to swim in the sea.It isn't (5) now,and it's much(6) . thana swimming-pool." Jirnmy'sfather and mclthertook hirn to the .seain their car on Sunday,and they (7) at the sideof a small(8) Jimmygot out andlooked at the seafor a longtime, but he was not very (9) Thenhe saidto his mother,"Which is the (10) .end'I" SECOND PAITT: Circle the correct ansrver l. When is the nextt'neeting'.) 3. What tirneis the nextmeeting? A. It's in October A. It's at six o'clock B. It's in November B. It's at six thirty C. 2. What'sthe date of the nextrneeting'/ 4. Whereis the next meeting? A. lt's on Monday,October 29'h A. At theirneighbor's apartment B. It's on Tuesdav.October 30th B. At Yoko and Carol'sapartment DESO4 PAPER l: RE.{DING COMPREHBNSION SectionA: In this section lot must choose the wortl or phrasc which best completeseach sentence.Circle your choice, l There were very large roomswith in the house. A. beautiful decoratingwalls B. beautifulwalls decorating C. beautifully decoratedwalls D. beautifully decoratingwalls 2. Sandraalways getshigh marksbecause hcr compositionsare: A. extrernelywritten well B. written well extremely C. extremely well written D. well written extremely TLA-2ooB 17 m,7
  18. FLC.TEIC2 3. "Which of theselwo men is Chinese'l" " is." A. Both of them B. All of them C. None of them D. Neither of them 4. "Whosebook is this?" "I don't know.but I think " A. it's John'sbrother B. it's John'sbrother's C. John'sbrother book D. thatJohn's brother's 5.If anybody question,pleaseask me afierclass. A. has B. have C havethe D hai a 6.' didthey arrive'/ " "Ten minutesago. " A. How long B. How muchtime C. How many minutes D When 7. He wantsto go to lhe moviesand she A. wants too B. wants also C. doestoo l). does either 8. It was a'longtime I lived here. A. that B. since C. agothat D. ago 9. The membersof theclub quarreled . themselves. A. with B. arnong C. between D' against 10.The Chairmanwas warned the danger. A. in B bY C. with D. of 11.Larry expectsto be in London nextApril. A. at B bY C. on D. in 12.We discovered horrortilatsonleulc else was lying there. A. with B. fiom C. in D. bY 13." wants solnemore tea'J" A. What B. S'ho C. Whom D. Where 14."He speaksJapanese, 'l " A. doeshe B. isn't he C. doesn'the D. didn't he 15.She went to the movicslast night. But I A. didn't either B. didn't C. did D. went 16.He - his breakfast at seveno'clock. A. hasnot B. not has C. doesnot have D. not have 17.Every one of us t]() stay here A. do B. does C. doing D. done I8. "Can you speak '?" A. Spain B. Spanish C. Spanish D. Spaniard 19."What did yourparents think aboutyour tlecision'1" "They alwayslet me whltI think I should." A. to do B. do C. doing D. did 20. "What happened'?" "We tbran hour when the busfinally camr: ." A. waited B. havewaited C. havebeen waiting D. hadbeen waiting Section B: In this section you will find after the passagefive questiorts,each with four suggestedanswers. You nu,st chooseon which yott think Jits best. Circle your choice. ac TL A - 2008 4E
  19. 4J FLC-TEICz Every ),earstudents in many countrieslearn English.Some of thesestudents are young children. Others are teenagers.Many are adults. Some learn at school, others sttidy by themselves.A few learn Englishjust by hearingthe languagein films, or television,in the office or amongtheir friends.But not many are lucky enoughto do that.Most peoplemust work hardto learnanother language. Many boys anclgirls learn Englishat schoolbecause it is one of their subjects.They studytheir own languageand rnathematics andEnglish. In England,or Americ.aor Australia,many boys and girls studytheir own language,which is Englishand mathematics andanother language, perhapsFrench, or Germanor Spanish. Many adultslearn English,because it is useful tor their work. Teenagersoften learn English for their higher studies,because sorne of their books are in Englishat the college or university.Other people learn English because they want to read newspapersor magazinesin English. 2l . Accordingto the writer : A. only adultslearn English B. no childrenlike learningEnglish C. Englishis usefulonly to teenagers D. Englishis popularin muchof the world 22. Many peoplelearn English by A. watchingvideos only B. hearingthe languagein theoftice C. talkingrvith the filnrstars D. workinghard on theirlesson.s 23. Many boysand girls learn E,nglish because A. Englishcan give therna job B. it is includedin theirstudy courses C. their parentsnrake thern D. theyhave to studytheir own language 24.In Americaor Australiamany school children study A. Englishas a toreignlanguage B. EnglishancJ mathematics only C. Suchforeign languages as French, German and Spanish D. Their own languageand no foreignlanguage 25. Many adultslearn English because A. their work is useful B. they want t0 go abroacl C. mostof theirbooks are in English D. it helpsthenr in theirwork I'L A - 20()tt t3 tg
  20. FLC.TEIC2 PAPER 2: USE OF ENGLISH AND WRITING Section A: Passagefor GaP'Fill Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage by a woril chosenfrom the list. Use ONLY ONE word in each space. My home is (26) theair - I do an enormousamount of traveiing. It is a fast life and 'full (27) : work, but I like it andthat is the only way (28) me' Everythingis tiring - music,traveling - but what can I do? I am not (29) " """""'to complaining.It is hard (30) imaginenow that I will ever be very long in one place.My home town is (31) theCaspian Sea. (32) is sea,wind, sun and too many tourists and hotels. I (33) rnyown flat (34) -.fburor five rooms, but i am seldom there. If I am there ibr a day (35) two.I pref'eI to (36) , withmy mother and grandmother. They live (37) asnrall house,but it is very comfortable and my mother cooks for rne. I like got-rd,simple lbod. I have no-wif-e,no brothersor sistelsand nl1'fatherdied when I was ten. He was an engineer and I don't (38) himvery (39) He liked music very rnuch and wanted (40) tobecome a Inusician. Section B: Guided sentence building Use the following setsof words and phrases to write contplete senlences. You can atld nrore words of your own or make necessarychangcs lo ntake lhe sentencescomplete. 4l . I/ like/ reserve/roont/ prii,ate/ bath/ 3 nights. 42.Il nty/ homework/ two hoursago. ;;'; ;;;;;;;/i;;;',,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;'; 44.You/ have/take/ him/ to/ hospital/or/ he/ die. ;; ;;;;; ;;;i;,,, i,,".iii o"l i;;; 46. What/ the name/ the girl/ car/ .vou/borrow l *;;;,;;;;;il;;;;;; 48. Now/ she/dance/ beautifulll'/ than/ used to. ;; ;;;,;;;;";;.;;il;; 50. She/tell/ not/ close/window. aA T[,A-2009 f,ts
  21. p l FLC.TEICz PAPERTHREE : LISTENINGCOMPREHENSION ,1.:' FIRST PART: Listen and fill in the blanks Mr Joneshatl a few clays'(1) . ,so he said,"I'm goingto go to the mountainsby train." He put on his (2) clothes,tottk a smallbag, went to the stationand got into the train. He had a beautifulhat, and he often put his (3) . . outof the window during the trip and lookedat the nrountains.But the wind (4) hishat off. . Mr Jones(5) .tookhis old bagand (6) that out of the windowtoo. The otherpeople in the (7) .laughed."Is yourbag goingto bringyour beautifulhat (8) '/" they asked. "No," Mr Jonesanswered, "but there'sno r)alneand no addressin my hat, and there'sa name zindan addresson the bag.Someone'sgoing to (9) bothof ther4near (10),and he's going to sendme thc bagandthe hat. SECOND PART: Circle the correct anstt'er 1.What's Petedoing? 4. Where and Pete and Elenore having a A. He's makingdinner dinnerparty? B. He's nrakinglunch A. At a restaurant B. At home 2. What'she cooking'/ -i-wo A. chrekcrts aud a nieatltral 5. \\'hy is Petecooking now'l B. Flarnand eggs A. The dinnerparty is tonight B. The dinnerparty is tomorrownight 3. Who is he cookinsfor'l A. Arr army B. A tew friends TL A - 200tt 4 2,14
  22. FLC-TEICz DESO5 PAPER 1: READII.{G COMREHENSION SECTION A: Choosethe word or phrase which bestcontpletes each sentence. Cross lour choice. 1. After a while Johnbecame suspicious. A. dogbtful B. supreme C. superstitious D. luxurious - 2. I promptl)'went to sleePagain A. early B. soon C. immediately D. aflgr a while Englishis requiredfor thatjob. 3. a A. compulsory- B. interesting C. extra D. optional 4. After havingbeen instructecl to drit,eout of'town,I beganto acquireconfidence. A. accept B. gain C. receive D. touch 5. The strikebegan last weekend alier a u'ot'kerhad been sacked. A. employed B. dismissecl C. separated D. injured 6. There are many for few immigrantsitt Australia. A. offices B. toilets C. uniforms D. hostels 7. Duringlunch they .internationalpolitics' A. interviewed B. cJiscussecl C. transferred D. talked 8. Nobodyhas done thisbefore. A. any B. not C. never D. ever 9. Mr. Brown hischildren to schoolevet'1' da)'. A. c:arric:s B. hrings C. takcs D. picks 10.The police n,arnedthe peoplenot to colrlehome. A. hasn'thad B. hasn't C. has D. have I 1. You will seehirn whert he heretol)l()rrow. A. will collte B. hascome C. to come D. comes 12.What about 'J\\/ill I be ableto t'inda house? A. accommociationB. qualification C. identification L).construction 13.Between twt-r classes. rve hat,e a SO that we canrelax. A. time B. break C. interval D. rest 14.He oftenconsults fortune-tcllers because he believesthat they can his future. A. say B. teil C. understand D. predict 15.Would it be 1'oryou to be presentat 9 o'clock'/ A. convenientB. strong C. conscious D. irlteresting 16.Bill gaveyou thebook yesterday, '/ A. diclhe B. didBill C. didn'the D. didn'tit l7 . breakfast'l A. Did youjust have C. I{aveyou just had B. Are youjust having D. Do youjust have 18.Don't worry'about us. We cattiook after A. eachother B. ourselves C. oneanother D. All arecorrect 19.It is rainingnow. Itbegan raining two hoursago. It f'or tu'o hours. A. hasrained B. is raining C. trasbecn raining D. hadrained 20. What wouldhappen if you torvork tt)lrlorrow. A. don'tgo B. didn'tgo C. rvon'tgo D. All arecorrecl zz TLA-2008 1t
  23. -t FLC.TEICz SECTION B: Read the passagecarefully and then choosetlrc bestanswer to questionsbelow. A horseon board the Enterprizewas perhapsthe first and only horseever to savethe livesof its shiprnates.The E,nterprizewas sailing for NorthCarolina. She carried a mixedcargo. And there were fiiteen passengerson her. Shewas making good tonreuntil at dowtr,she struck something.Water pouredinto the ship. The holds soon fiocded. Frightenedmen and women clirnbeclthe riggingto sa\/etheir lives. The crew trieclto purnpthe hoidsout, but with no luck. Then the cargocaught fire. All thoseon boardthought they would die. The captainknew the cclastwas near.But how near?Perhaps if the horsecould reach land,the peoplecould too. The horsewas led to the sideand pr-rshedover. The horseclicl reach land. In fact,it almostrvaded ashore! The peoplesoon fbllowed. All were saved,thanks to a namelesshorse. 21.The totalnuntber of peopleon the Enterprizewas A. thirty B. fifteen C. trventY D. Not told in the storv 22. The shipwas wrecked A. afternoon B. at darvn D. nearsunset 23. When waterpoured in, thecrew tried to A. savethe cargo C.pumpout the water B. put off in the lifeboat D.fix the hole 24.A horsewels pushed overboard in the holtethat it A. w'ould drrlrvn C.rviiuldbe savc'dfroirt the i'ire B. couldfind the shore D.couldhelp savethe cargo 25.The peoplegot ashoreby" A. riding B. walkine C. swintnting D. Both B and C are correct PAPER2: USEOF ENGLISH(45 minutes) SECI'ION A: Fill eachof thenuntbered blunks in thefollowirtg passage One day lastsulnmer a boy ol'ten took (26) c11dtyre from his father'sgarageand wentdown to the beachto (27) a1thoughhe could not (28) .andhis mother had told hirn ncltto go nearthe water.But he felt hot so he tookno noticeof her (29) . Before long the wind (30) hirnoutto sea.FIis sister saw him but(31) this timehe was(32) .farout tur anyoneto reachtrim. Then sonleone had the (33) to call the police.In a fervminLltes a helicopterwas flyin g (34) the boy and he wassoon (35) . tosafety. Caseslike this(36) every day in surnrnerartd sometimes people (31) not so lucky. What surprisesthe policeis (38) peoplckrrorv it is dangeroLlsto got to the (39) .when they (40) .srvim.Yet, theykeep doing so. SECTION I]: Make all changesand additiortsnecessary to produce completesentences from the lottowing sersof wordsund phrases. 4l . policel sayI nobt-rcfv/injure/ during the firc/ last/two and a'half hours. TL A - 2008 ?3
  24. FLC-TEICz 42.Illeavel home/ 10a.m.I andlwhen/ retunt/ I/ shock/see/ house/ fire. 43.wel to join/ English-speakingclub/ \/ery ntuch' 45. car/goocl/ conrfortable/ than/ nrotorcycle. ;, 41. One/vour friends/owni cassette/recorder'l J 48. The spaceship/land/ the nriddleigreen torest ;:i;;";;;;;,.n""i,.;;;i;;,;,l,",'""v;;;;;; 50. The library/ not open/tomorr'o\\/ nlorning. PAPER 3: LISTENING COMPREHENSION FIRST PART: Listen and fill in the blanks Jackworked in an oll-icein a snrallri)wn. one day his ( I ) saidto him, "Jack,I want you to go to l\4anchester,to an ofllce theIe. to see Mr Brown. Here's the (2) ""-".'- '" Jack went to Manchesterby train. He leli the station,and (3) ., "The office isn't far fiom the station.I'll find it (4) But after an hour he was still looking tbr it, so he stoppedand askedan old lady. She said, "Go (5) - alongthis street, turn to the Ieti at lhe end, and it's the second(6) - - onthe right." Jackwcnt and (7) it. A few days later he wenr to the samecity. but again he did not find the office, so he asked (8) theway. It was the santeold lady! Shewas very (9) and said, "Are you still lookingfbr that ( 10) ?" sEcoND PART: Listen to the conversation bet$'een Yoko and some friends at her party. Then circle the best ansrver l. Yoko 4. Dina A. doesn'twilnt to give Juanthe recipe lbr sushi A. wouldlike to stay,but shecan't B. would like to giveJuan the recipefor suslri B. would like to dance,but shecan't 2. Yolandawould like 5. Dina would like A. some more sushi A. her cat B. therecipe lbr sushi B. her-coat 3. Yolandawould like A. to havesomething to drink B. to have a glasst'rf sola 'fL - 74 A 200tt n